Organ Donation in Wisconsin
Organ Donation in Wisconsin
With the help of Donate Life Wisconsin, the Wisconsin Department of Health Services administers organ donor registration across the entire state.
Did you know there are more than 1,400 on the organ donor waiting list in Wisconsin?
Signing up as an organ donor is free, and you could end up saving the lives of numerous people. You can join more than 2.9 million of Wisconsin today!
How to Register as a Wisconsin Organ Donor
In order to register as an organ donor you must be at least 15 1/2 years old and have a license or an identification card. If you're eligible, you can register online or in person at your local WI DMV office. It is important to discuss your wishes to be a donor with your parents or guardian. Those under 18 years old can have their decision to donate overridden by a parent or guardian.
Register Online
The easiest way to register is signing up online. You can do this through:
- The Wisconsin Department of Health Services website. The DOT will mail you an orange donor dot to place on your driver's license or ID.
- You will be registered in Wisconsin, and your information will be added to a nationwide donor information database.
By filling out either form provided, you're confirming your choice to become an organ donor.
Register In Person
You can also register to become a Wisconsin organ donor when applying or renewing your driver's license or ID card by marking the "yes" box next to the organ donor option on the Wisconsin Driver License/ID Application (Form MV3001).
Place the orange "organ donor" alert sticker on the front of your document, on top of the embedded spot.
NOTE: If you registered at the WI DOT on or after March 29, 2010 and have an orange dot on your driver's license, you are included on the donor registry. Otherwise, you'll need to make sure to register again.
Updating Your Organ Donor Profile
If you would like to update or change your organ donor information online, please visit the WI Department of Health Services website.
You will need to have your driver's license or ID card number handy. The system will also request your last name.
Other Ways to Support Organ Donation
Beyond registering as an organ donor, you can offer your help in a variety of ways, such as:
- Making a monetary contribution online to the organ donation program via the Blood Center of Wisconsin website.
- Volunteering your time to the BloodCenter of Wisconsin .
- Encouraging your friends and family to register as organ donors. Refer them to this webpage to read all about organ donation.
Donation Facts
Being an organ donor in Wisconsin doesn't cost you or your family anything. Your funeral won't be delayed or altered; an open-casket ceremony is still possible. Donors receive the same level of medical care as non-donors. All major religions in the United States support organ and tissue donation.
For more information about organ donation, you can read our page about Organ Donation Facts.
Additional Information
Visit the official Wisconsin Donor Registry site to learn more about becoming a donor.