Types of Special License Plates in Washington DC
If you live in Washington, D.C., you can get one of several types of special tags for your vehicle. Personalized license plates, special design plates, and military veteran plates are all offered in the District.
Keep reading for information about types of special tags available from the Washington, D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles (D.C. DMV).
- Ready to apply? See Applying for Special Tags for application details.
- Need disability parking access? Learn more by visiting our page on Disability Placards & Plates.
Personalized Tags in Washington, D.C.
Personalized license plates are one type of special tag available in Washington, D.C.
Your custom tag number can include letters, numbers, and spaces. You can have up to:
- 7 characters on standard license plates.
- 5 characters on motorcycle tags.
- 5 characters on disability license plates.
The D.C. DMV website offers a license plate search so you can see if your desired combination is available.
NOTE: The D.C. DMV prohibits personalized plate messages considered offensive.
The fee for vanity plates is $100. You're also responsible for standard registration fees and renewal fees.
Special Issue License Plates
The Washington, D.C. DMV offers various types of special tags, including:
- The Taxation Without Representation tag.
- The Anacostia River license plate.
- Membership organization plates.
Taxation Without Representation Tags
If you have an older D.C. license plate, you can exchange it for the new Taxation Without Representation tag.
It is automatically issued to newly registered vehicles.
You'll pay a $10 replacement fee to exchange your current plate for the Taxation Without Representation tag.
Anacostia River Plate
The Anacostia River plate is a commemorative plate offered by the D.C. DMV.
The fees for an Anacostia River tag are:
- $25 to order, PLUS registration fees if you're registering your vehicle.
AND - $10 PLUS standard renewal fees to renew the tag.
The plate fees benefit the Anacostia River environment.
Organizational Plates
Several organizational plates are available from the D.C. DMV.
For most plates, you must provide proof of membership within the organization to be eligible.
License plates are available for groups like:
- Charities and non-profits, for example:
- Children First Foundation.
- Collegiate organizations, such as:
- Omega Psi Phi Fraternity.
- The University of Michigan.
- Professional and service organizations, including:
- The District of Columbia Lodge/FOP.
- The Veterans of Foreign Wars of U.S.
A Washington Nationals license plate is available to all D.C. residents.
The fee for membership organization plates is $100 to order. You'll also pay vehicle registration fees if you're registering for the first time.
A portion of the fee benefits the sponsoring organization or a charity chosen by the organization.
Military Veteran License Plates
The D.C. Department of Motor Vehicles works with the Office of Veterans Affairs (OVA) to issue a special tag for military veterans.
The fees for veteran plates are:
- $52 to order.
- You'll also pay vehicle registration fees if you're registering your vehicle.
- $26 PLUS registration renewal fees to renew.
Veteran tags are issued to residents who have proof of military service. Contact the OVA at (202) 724-5454 fore more information.
Disabled veteran tags are also available to those who qualify. Visit Disability Placards and Plates for details.
D.C. Historical Vehicle Tags
You can register your vehicle as an historic or antique vehicle with the D.C. DMV.
To register as an antique or historical vehicle, your vehicle must be:
- At least 25 years old based on model year.
OR - At least 15 years old AND no longer manufactured.
With historical vehicle registration, you CANNOT:
- Drive more than 1,000 miles annually.
- Make changes to the vehicle that differ from its original specifications.
- Use the vehicle outside of special events or exhibitions.
Learn more about historic vehicle registration on the D.C. DMV website.