Vehicle Code in Washington
Washington Motor Vehicle Code
For information about the laws that affect your driver's license, vehicle registration, vehicle title, traffic tickets, the rules of the road, and the administrative processes and procedures at the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL), you can take a look at the WA motor vehicle code. The vehicle code is the exact language of the law and can help you clear any confusion you may have about your driver's license, your vehicle, or the traffic laws in Washington.
If you've recently received a traffic ticket, the vehicle code may help you to decide whether or not you'll be able to fight it.
On this page you'll find information about accessing the Washington motor vehicle code and what kind of information you can expect to find within it.
If you have specific questions regarding your WA driver's license or vehicle registration, you should contact the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL). If you are seeking legal advice or help, you should talk to an attorney.
Access the Washington Motor Vehicle Code
Whether you are getting ready to take a driving test, need to read a specific vehicle law to contest a traffic ticket, or just want to know the exact rule on a driving-related issue in Washington, you can access the state's vehicle code online. Listed under Title 46 of the revised code of Washington, the vehicle code covers all of that and more, and it's provided free by the Washington State Legislature.
While most of Washington's driver and vehicle transactions, such as getting a driver's license or registering your vehicle, are handled by the Washington Department of Licensing (DOL), the actual vehicle code for the state is provided by the State Legislature.
In order to make driving conditions in the state as safe as possible and to assist all of Washington's citizens in their vehicle transportation needs, the state has uniform legislation that governs driving, the roads, bicyclists, pedestrians, and more.
Washington lists the following chapters, among many others, in its organization of the state's vehicle code:
- Definitions
- Vehicle licenses
- Driver's licenses
- Mandatory auto insurance
- Vehicle lighting and other equipment
- Rules of the road
- Motorcycle skills and testing
- Auto dealers and manufacturers
- Driver training
- Traffic school
Washington also provides additional notes on the following subjects, to name a few:
Most subjects listed in Washington's vehicle code link to other, more detailed information on those topics.
Check Your WA Driver's License Status
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your Washington driver's license is currently valid. Should your driver's license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record with the WA DOL. This report will also show points against your license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
For more information on some related topics, please visit our pages on Suspended Driver's Licenses in Washington and Driving Records in Washington.