Lost Traffic Ticket in Virginia
You can find most—if not all—of the VA lost traffic ticket information you need in order to respond to your citation in time using the Online Case Information System; however, if you need more details or your ticket isn't listed, you can contact the traffic court handling your case.
Find a Lost Traffic Ticket in VA
Online Traffic Ticket Search
Use the state's Online Case Information System to find details about your VA lost traffic ticket.
Just select the county in which you received the citation and choose your search option. Because your ticket is lost, you probably don't know your citation number; however, the system currently allows driver to search by name.
Contact Traffic Court
Alternatively, you can contact the traffic court that handles citations in the area where you received your VA traffic ticket.
Typically, the general district courts handle traffic violations. Once you choose the appropriate county, you'll find contact information for that court—in most cases, you'll find direct contact information for the traffic violation department.
VA Traffic Ticket Information
NOTE: The Online Case Information System provides much of the following information; generally, it's enough information to go on if you determine you want to plead “guilty" and pay your fine online (of course, this depends on if you're eligible and you AREN'T REQUIRED to appear in court). Refer to Pay Traffic Ticket for information about making online payments as well as the state's pre-court payment and post-court payment requirements.
Otherwise, you can gather additional details from the traffic court.
When you contact the court, be sure to ask about:
- Any required court appearance.
- Ask for the court address and date and time of the hearing.
- If a violation is serious enough to require a court appearance, consider consulting a traffic ticket attorney.
- Details about the citation and case, such as:
- The exact violation(s). For example, if you were charged with speeding, what was the area's speeding limit and how far over were you allegedly going.
- Your citation and case number.
- The law enforcement agency and ticketing police officer's names.
- Traffic ticket fine information, including:
- Your VA traffic ticket fine and any applicable surcharges.
- Details about pre-court payments and post-court payments.
- The court's accepted payment options and methods (as well as which payment options you're eligible for).
- The deadline to respond.
- This means your deadline to plead "guilty" and pay your fine or plead "not guilty" and schedule a hearing.
Fight or Pay Traffic Ticket in VA
As mentioned above, you can plead "guilty" and pay your VA traffic ticket fine, or you can plead "not guilty" and challenge your violation in court.
Our Pay Traffic Ticket and Fight Traffic Ticket sections outline the processes—as well as the pros and cons—of each option.