Vehicle Code in Virginia

Virginia Motor Vehicle Code

Looking for detailed information about laws and regulations that govern your driving privileges and your car? Look no further than the Virginia motor vehicle and traffic code.

In the motor vehicle code you'll find legal language definitions and explanations about driver's license requirements, vehicle registration regulations, traffic laws, and other Virginia processes and procedures.

If you've recently received a traffic citation, you can use the Virginia vehicle code to decide whether or not you have a chance at fighting the ticket or to gain a better understanding of the law you violated so you don't do it again.

On this page you'll find information about accessing the vehicle code and some common topics you'll find within it.

If you have specific questions about your VA driver's license or vehicle registration, you should contact a Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office. If you are looking for legal advice, you should consider talking to a lawyer.

What is the Virginia Motor Vehicle Code?

The Virginia motor vehicle code is the state's statutory laws that apply to motor vehicles and drivers. The Virginia General Assembly wrote the vehicle code and is constantly updating it to protect the rights and safety of drivers. The code also applies to bicyclists, pedestrians, and motor vehicle dealers. It's a comprehensive resource when you need to know what the laws are.

The General Assembly has posted the motor vehicle code online, along with the rest of the Virginia code.

You might be interested in Chapter 8, Regulation of Traffic. This is the section that contains all of the traffic laws in the state.

Other sections refer to titling and registering vehicles, driver's licenses, motor vehicle dealers, and penalties for violating the laws. These are just examples―there's so much more.

Use the vehicle code to research the citation on your traffic ticket to better understand what you did wrong. Use it to defend yourself in court if necessary. You can also read through it to learn more about driving safely and legally. The legalese might be a bit confusing, but the code contains everything you need to know about how the laws apply to you.

You can even search through the entire code of Virginia online to find specifics. Remember that the General Assembly provides this as a public service, and it can't help with your legal questions. For that, you should consult an attorney.

Check Your VA Driver's License Status

Whenever you need or want to check the status of your Virginia driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid.

Should your driver's license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record with the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). This report will also show points held against your driver's license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.

For more information about some topics related to the vehicle code and traffic violations, please visit our pages on:

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