Replacing a Lost Title in Utah
Replacing a Lost Title in Utah
Your title is an important document, and easy to misplace. Fortunately, it's simple to get a new one.
Utah drivers who need to replace lost vehicle title should begin the application process for a duplicate title as soon as possible.
All vehicle titles within Utah are administered and governed by the Utah Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
How to Replace Your Title
NOTE: Your duplicate title application will not be processed if you take it to a driver's license office.
To replace a missing, damaged, or destroyed title, you'll need to:
- Complete an Application For Utah Duplicate Title (Form TC-123). An owner of the vehicle must sign the title.
- If your mailing address differs from the street address that is associated with your title, be sure to fill out section 1 of the application.
- Copies of the application are also available at all DMV branch offices.
- If your mailing address differs from the street address that is associated with your title, be sure to fill out section 1 of the application.
- Provide payment for a non-refundable application fee of $6 upon submission.
- Take your completed application to a Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office that handles titles.
- You can also print the application out and send it to the:
Utah Division of Motor Vehicles
Contact Center
P.O. Box 30412
Salt Lake City, UT 84130
The Utah DMV will mail your replacement title to the address of your choice. You should receive your duplicate title in approximately 2 weeks.
NOTE: If you choose to apply for a duplicate title in person, please be sure to check the business hours of your local DMV office before your visit. Although most locations keep standard weekday hours of operation, opening and closing times may vary. Utah's Iron County Assessor's Office does not support motor vehicle services on Fridays.
Titles with Liens
If there was a lien on the vehicle, you may need to receive permission from the lienholder to have the replacement title issued.
Duplicate titles cost $6.
Utah Policies for Titles Held by Out-of-State Lienholders
If you've recently moved to the state and an out-of-state leasing company or lienholder is holding your certificate of title, you are not required to acquire a certificate of title before transferring your vehicle registration to Utah. In lieu of a title, you will need complete Utah's Registration Only process by providing the following items:
- Your most recent vehicle registration.
- The name and address of the leasing company or lienholder that holds your certificate of title.
- All Safety and/or Emissions Inspection Certificates that are required of your specific vehicle type, model, and year.
- VIN/HIN Inspection Certificates as required by all vehicles or vessels to be titled in Utah for the first time. As long as the VIN is accurately stated on the form, your Utah Safety Inspection Certificate will serve as an acceptable means of verification.
For more information, you can read our page about Title Transfers and Car Registration.
Replacing a Lost Vehicle Title as a Seller
It is the responsibility of the seller to find and transfer the title to the vehicle's new owner. In the case of a lost vehicle title, the seller will need to apply for and secure a duplicate title. As a prospective buyer, you should ensure that the seller completes the following steps to replace the lost title:
- If the lost title was held in the state of Utah, the seller can simply complete the Application For Utah Duplicate Title (Form TC-123) according to the directions above.
- If the lost title was held out-of-state, the seller must obtain a replacement from the state in which it was previously titled. In these instances, the new owner of the vehicle may obtain a temporary permit to operate his or her vehicle while the title is being processed.