Vehicle Code in Rhode Island
Rhode Island Motor Vehicle Code
The Rhode Island motor vehicle code contains detailed information in the language of the law about every topic related to motor vehicles, driver's licenses, and traffic laws.
The motor vehicle code can be a useful resource if you want to do some research after receiving a traffic ticket, if you want to expand your knowledge of Rhode Island traffic laws, or if you want to gain a better understanding of the administrative procedures at the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV).
If you've received a traffic ticket, you can use the motor vehicle code to decide whether or not you have a chance of fighting it.
On this page you'll find information about accessing the Rhode Island motor vehicle code and some links to common chapters and topics.
Access the Rhode Island Vehicle Code
At first glance, Title 31 of the State of Rhode Island General Laws resembles an unending list of court-talk that only a seasoned attorney could appreciate. Upon closer inspection, you'll learn that it's accessible to the average person and an invaluable source of driving information.
The Rhode Island vehicle code has many chapters brimming with driving rules and regulations. A sample of some of the more commonly searched chapters are listed below.
The speed restrictions chapters covers laws and regulations dealing with the speed limits in Rhode Island, such as:
- Minimum speeds.
- Special speed limits in highway construction zones.
- Nighttime speed limits for motorcycles.
The vehicle registration chapters go in-depth about the processes, procedures, and regulations around registering your vehicle. You'll find information about:
- Vehicles subject to registration.
- License plates and registration for rented or leased vehicles.
- Vehicle registration renewals.
The theft and related offenses chapters cover topics including:
- Injuring or tampering with vehicles.
- Alteration of vehicle identification numbers (VINs).
- Possession of stolen vehicle or parts.
Passing, Use of Lanes, and Rules of the Road
These chapters goes into some of the Rhode Island road use traffic laws, such as:
- Navigating rotary traffic islands and right-of-way.
- Divided highways.
- Entering intersections.
The pedestrians chapters get into the responsibility of sharing the road with motorists and pedestrians. Here you'll find information about:
- Hitchhiking.
- Crossing between intersections.
- Walking, jogging, or running on the left.
The miscellaneous rules chapters get into traffic laws regarding:
- Throwing trash on highway.
- Abandoned vehicles.
- Safety belt use.
Check Your RI Driver's License Status
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your Rhode Island driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid. Should your driver's license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record at the Rhode Island Division of Motor Vehicles. This report will also show points against your driver's license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
If you are looking for more information about some topics related to traffic violations and driver's license penalties, please visit our pages on: