Employee Driving Records in Pennsylvania
As an employer, it's helpful to have some background information on the people you're thinking about hiring. In some cases, you're required by federal law to request the driving records of your applicants.
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) allows you to either request driving records by mail or online. You can also order driving records through a private company, which might prove to be more convenient than going through the state.
Types of PA Driving Records
The following types of driving records are available in Pennsylvania:
- Basic information.
- Name, address, and birth date.
- Driver's license number.
- License class (e.g. A, B, C).
- Driving record—3 years.
- Basic information (see above).
- License status (valid, expired, suspended, etc.)
- Traffic violations/actions against their driving privileges within the last 3 years.
- Driving record—10 years.
- Basic information & license status (see above).
- Traffic violations/actions against their driving privileges within the last 10 years.
- Full driving record (by MAIL only).
- Basic information & license status (see above).
- Every traffic violation and action taken against their driving privileges while being a driver in Pennsylvania.
- Certified driving record (by MAIL only).
- Everything shown on a full driving record (see above).
- Certification from PennDOT.
Fees will differ depending on the type of record that you request.
Order PennDOT Driving Records
You can order employee driving records through PennDOT online or by mail.
PennDOT has partnered up with Pennsylvania Interactive (PAI) to create a system with which you can order driving records online. To use these services, you will need to set up an account with PAI before making any online record requests.
NOTE: Full driving records and certified driving records are not available online.
In order to request driver records for commercial drivers in Pennsylvania, you will need to apply for access by completing one of the following forms:
- Bus drivers: Internet User Application/License Agreement for School Bus Contractors (Form DL-9005).
- All other commercial drivers: Internet User Application/Licensing Agreement for Employers of Commercial Drivers (Form DL-9004).
- Non-CDL drivers: Internet User Application/Licensing Agreement (Form DL-9001).
The requirements for all forms are the same. You will be asked to provide:
- The type of business you're a part of (e.g. partnership, corporation, etc.).
- Information about your business:
- Name and mailing/physical address(es).
- Phone and/or fax number(s).
- E-mail and website URL (if applicable).
- Company contact.
- Address that the driving records will be stored at.
- Licensing and federal identification information.
- Information on company ownership and management:
- Full name and job title.
- Phone number.
- Driver's license number and the state of issue.
- Description of your business.
- How many CDL drivers you currently employ, PLUS those you intend to employ within the year.
- How your business intends to use the driving records in the hiring process.
- Business references.
- History with the PAI online system.
- Questions about your past experiences/information while using the online record search (if applicable).
- A signature on the affidavit.
- A notary's information and signature.
In addition to completing the above forms, you will need to submit payment for a $200 application fee.
If you are accessing records for commercial drivers, you must also pay an annual access fee that is determined by multiplying the estimated CDL drivers you will employ within the year by the driving record request fee of $9.
EXAMPLE: 20 estimated drivers X $9 = $180
Mail your completed application and appropriate payment to the address listed on your form.
Once your application has been accepted, you can begin requesting driving records at PennDOT's website.
By Mail
Should you choose to order your applicant's driving records by mail, you will need to complete the Request for Driver Information (Form DL-503). While completing the form, you'll be asked to include:
- The type of driving record you'd like to access.
- Your personal information:
- Name or company name.
- Mailing address and phone number.
- Relationship to the driver (e.g. employer).
- Signature.
- Your applicant's information:
- Full name and birth date.
- Home address and phone number.
- Driver's license number.
- An affidavit of how you intend to use the driving record.
- You will most likely check “E=Employment."
- You must have a notary sign this section as well.
- Your applicant's consent to release their driving history.
Send your completed application and payment for necessary fees to:
Bureau of Driver Licensing
Driver Record Services
P.O. Box 68695
Harrisburg, PA 17106
If you have additional questions or would like more information, call PennDOT at (800) 932-4600.
Driving Record Fees in Pennsylvania
Driving record fees in Pennsylvania include:
- Basic information: $9.
- 3 years: $9.
- 10 years: $9.
- Full driving record: $9.
- Certified driving record: $32.
Ordering Third-Party Driving Records
Private companies that offer Pennsylvania driving records are usually the less expensive and less work-intensive option, compared to going directly through state services.
First, most third parties pay a portion of the processing fees for you. Plus, if your applicant has held a CDL in several states, a private company can usually get all of the respective driving records with a single check. This means that you don't have to go through the trouble of requesting commercial driving records from each individual state that your applicant was in.
When choosing a third party company, make sure that they live up to federal standards regarding record checking. A legitimate company will:
- Gather information from every state your applicant has ever held a license in.
- Be notified with updates to your applicant's driving record(s).
According to the law, you must keep records of who has accessed applicant and/or employee driving records and when they did so.
Federal Compliance for PA CDL Employers
When your employees are required to carry a Pennsylvania CDL, you must conduct driving record checks on all of your prospective and current drivers.
If your applicant has had previous experience as a CDL driver, the information that you're required to request includes:
- Each state in which your applicant has operated in the last 3 years.
- Driver safety reports done by their previous employers within the last 3 years.
- Copies of driving records for each state held a CDL.
- Illegal drug and alcohol use in the last 3 years.
- Status of drug/alcohol rehabilitation program completion (if applicable).
- Proof that you've made every effort to obtain the required information.
If your applicant has not worked as a CDL driver before, you are required to obtain:
- Valid identification information.
- Verification of their CDL privileges.
- Traffic accidents within the last 3 years.