Title Transfers in Oregon
- Obtain the current title from the previous owner.
- Obtain a release of interest from your lienholder, if applicable.
- Complete the title and registration application.
- Submit all documents and payment for title transfer fees to the DMV.
Continue reading to learn more details about title transfers in Oregon.
New Resident Title Transfers
If you have recently moved to Oregon, you will need to title and register your vehicle with Oregon's Driver and Motor Vehicle Services Division (DMV).
Take the following steps to apply for an Oregon vehicle title:
- Pass an emissions test (if applicable).
- Get a vehicle identification number (VIN) inspection.
- Provide your current title.
- If a lienholder currently has the title, please see “Vehicles with Lien Holds" below.
- Complete an Application for Title and Registration (Form 735-226).
- A non-fillable version of the form may be found here.
- Provide an odometer disclosure (listed on the application) IF your car is under 20 years old.
- Pay any applicable title fees.
You can submit your application in person at a DMV location, or you can mail it to:
Oregon DMV
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem, OR 97314
Vehicles with Lien Holds
If your car has a lien against it and your lender currently holds your title, they will have to apply for your Oregon vehicle title on your behalf.
Contact your lender for information on any specific requirements they may have to accomplish this task.
You will need to send the above documents to your lender along with a Security Interest Holder Letter (Form 735-6603L). This form is found at the bottom of the linked document). Your lienholder will then send the application and the title certificate to the address listed above.
Oregon does not allow you to register your car without an Oregon title. While you wait for your lender and the DMV to complete the vehicle title and registration process, you will need a temporary trip permit to drive your car within the state.
Buying or Selling a Vehicle in Oregon
New Vehicle Title Transfer
Typically when you purchase a car from an Oregon dealership, the dealer will handle your car title transfer for you.
If your dealer does not submit your title and registration application to the DMV, you must submit the following yourself:
- Completed Application for Title and Registration (Form 735-226).
- Non-fillable version available here.
- The Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO).
- Proof that the car meets Low Emissions Vehicle requirements.
- Electric, hybrid, and government-owned vehicles are exempt.
- Odometer disclosure (typically completed on the back of the MCO).
- Release of interest (if applicable) on one of the following documents:
- MCO.
- Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form 735-501).
- Statement of Lien Satisfaction (Form 735-524).
- Payment for applicable OR title fees.
Submit the above:
- In person at your local DMV office.
- By mail to:
- Oregon DMV
- 1905 Lana Ave NE
- Salem, OR 97314
Used Car Title Transfer
When you purchase a used Oregon car, you will need to have the seller:
- Sign the title over to you.
- Release their interest in the vehicle by filling out either:
- The back of the title.
OR - A Bill of Sale (Form 735-501).
- The back of the title.
- Provide a Statement of Lien Satisfaction (Form 735-524) from their lienholder if the vehicle had a lien while they owned it.
- Provide an Odometer disclosure (required if the vehicle is under 20 years old) filled out on either:
- The title certificate.
OR - A Secure Odometer Disclosure/Reassignment form (available at DMV offices).
- The title certificate.
Once you've received the title and other documents from the seller, visit your local DMV office and:
- Submit a completed Application for Title and Registration (Form 735-226).
- If you prefer a non-fillable version, click here.
- Provide the documents given to you by the seller, listed above.
- Pay the applicable title and registration fees.
If the car isn't currently registered and you are moving to Portland or the Rogue Valle/Medford area, you will need to pass an emissions inspection before titling and registering your car.
Submit the above in person at a DMV office location, or by mail to:
Oregon DMV
1905 Lana Ave NE
Salem, OR 97314
Selling a Car
When you sell a car, it is the new owner's responsibility to complete the application for DMV title transfer. However, there are some tasks you must do before you can relinquish the vehicle to them.
You'll need to:
- Sign the title over to the buyer.
- Sign a release of interest on one of the following:
- Back of the title certificate.
- Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form 735-501).
- Statement of Lien Satisfaction (Form 735-524), if the vehicle had a lien on it while you owned it.
- Complete an odometer disclosure, either on the title certificate OR a Secure Odometer Disclosure/Reassignment form (available at your local DMV).
Transferring Inherited Vehicles
The steps for titling an inherited vehicle in Oregon differ depending on several factors:
- If you are named as a co-owner (e.g. you have survivorship).
- If the deceased's estate is probated.
- If there is no named owner and no probate on the estate.
Car Titles with Survivorship
Having survivorship of a co-owned vehicle means that when the primary title holder is deceased, you can legally re-title the vehicle in your name. If your spouse, for example, gets a new car and decides to make you a co-owner, then they'll have the option of assigning you survivorship during vehicle registration.
So, if you do have survivorship, you can re-title the vehicle of the deceased in your name, by submitting the following to the DMV:
- The current title certificate.
- One of the following for proof of death:
- Death certificate.
- Obituary notice.
- Any other required documents listed in Buying or Selling above.
- Payment for applicable titling fees.
Probated Estates
If there is no title survivorship, and the deceased's estate is probated, you must submit the following to the DMV to complete a title transfer:
- Copy of Letter of Testamentary issued by the court, or other equivalent paperwork.
- The current title certificate (if available).
- Release of interest by the appointed personal representative(s) on one of the following:
- Back of the title certificate.
- Vehicle Bill of Sale (Form 735-501).
- Completed Application for Title and Registration (Form 735-226).
- Odometer reading and inspection documents (if applicable).
- Payment for any title fees.
Estate Not Probated
To complete an auto title transfer of a vehicle that is not subject to probate, you will need to submit the following to the DMV:
- Notarized Inheritance Affidavit (Form 735-516), noting the vehicle's awarded heir(s).
- Title certificate.
- Completed Application for Title and Registration (Form 735-226).
- Proof of lien release OR written consent from lienholder to transfer the vehicle.
- Odometer reading and inspection documents (if applicable).
- Payment for any title fees.
Lien Releases
After you have completely paid off your car loan, your lender will release the lien hold on your vehicle.
Take the following steps to have the lien removed from your Oregon title:
- Get the vehicle title certificate and Statement of Lien Satisfaction (Form 735-524) from your lender.
- In Oregon, lenders must send these documents to you within 15 days after you finish paying the loan.
- Pass an emissions inspection if your registration renewal is also due, and you live in the Portland or Rogue Valley (Medford) areas.
- Complete an Application for Title and Registration (Form 735-226).
- Submit documents plus car title transfer fees to the DMV.
Duplicate Titles in Oregon
If you have lost your OR title certificate, you can order a replacement title by submitting the following to the DMV:
- A completed Application for Replacement Title (Form 735-515).
- Payment for applicable titling fees.
NOTE: You can also submit the replacement title form when renewing your registration.
DMV Title Transfers – Lost Titles
If the previous owner has misplaced the title certificate, you can still complete a title transfer.
If the vehicle is NOT required to have an odometer disclosure (see Buying or Selling above), you can get a replacement and complete the transfer at the same time:
- Following the steps detailed in the Buying or Selling section above, AND;
- Complete an Application for Replacement Title (Form 735-515) in addition to the title application.
If the vehicle DOES need an odometer disclosure statement, the seller will need to obtain the replacement title FIRST, and give that new title to you, in order for you to complete the transfer of ownership.
Title Transfer Fees
The following are standard vehicle titling fees in Oregon:
- Title fee: $101 to $192.
- Title replacement fee: $101 to $192.
- Title replacement with transfer: $101 to $192.
Late fees:
- Additional $25 late fee if applying 31 to 60 days after date of sale.
- Additional $50 late fee if applying on or after 61 days after date of sale.
Late Fee Exceptions
You may be exempt from paying a late fee if:
- You can prove that you made a good faith effort to get your vehicle titled.
- You can prove a failure to comply for a reason that was out of your control.
- No sale has occurred (ex. adding name to title, transfer through inheritance).
- You are applying for a salvage title.
- You are applying or a replacement title, AND will be titling the vehicle in another state.
- A title was issued for the car within 30 days of date of sale.
- Documents were brought into the DMV within 30 days of date of sale.
- Your car is not currently titled in Oregon.
- You are an Oregon dealer (must notify the DMV of the purchase).
- Date of sale was before January 1, 1986.
Changing Information on Your Vehicle Title
Name Changes
Oregon state law requires you to complete a name change on your title if your name changes from the name listed on your title (ex. marriage or divorce).
To change your name on your title, submit the following to the DMV:
- A completed Application for Title and Registration (Form 735-226).
- Provide a statement indicating that you are the same person listed on the title, and the reason for your name change.
- Your current title certificate.
- Payment for applicable title fee.
If there is a mistake on your title that you wish to have corrected, submit the following to the DMV:
- Your current title.
- A completed Request for Correction of Title Records (Form 735-264), with the correct:
- Name.
- License or ID number.
- Date of birth.
Corrections for the information listed above will be completed by the Oregon DMV for free.