Lost Traffic Ticket in New York
If your lost traffic ticket is a Traffic Violations Ticket, the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) can provide you with a copy online; otherwise, you must conduct your traffic ticket search with the local court.
Find Lost Traffic Tickets in New York
The Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB), part of the New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), handles non-criminal moving violations issued in the 5 boroughs of New York City; these citations are called Traffic Violations Tickets, and the TVB provides replacements online.
You can order a substitute traffic ticket online as long as:
- You received the citation in the 5 boroughs of New York City.
- The TVB steps in with these citations so the court system can focus on more serious, criminal offenses.
- The words "Traffic Violation Ticket" appeared on the citation.
- Your citation was for a non-criminal moving violation.
- The TVB does not handle criminal offenses such as DWI or non-moving violations such as parking tickets.
- You have a valid email address.
- The DMV uses your email address for transaction verification and providing it is required.
Note that:
- A substitute ticket includes the same information as your original traffic ticket. Print this ticket and use the information to respond by your deadline.
- If the system is unable to locate your ticket, it will provide instructions on what to do next.
- You can contact the New York City TVB at (718) 488-5710 for additional information.
Local Traffic Courts
If the TVB isn't handling your NY traffic ticket, you must conduct your traffic ticket search with the local traffic court in the area where you received the citation. New York provides a list of courts online; generally, city courts and town and village courts handle traffic citations.
Find and contact your court for details about your lost traffic ticket; if you're not sure which court to contact, think about where you were when you received the ticket and go through the process of elimination.
Details on NY Traffic Citations
Whether you're able to print a copy of your traffic ticket or must gather details from your local court, make sure you get the following information; you need it to respond to your NY traffic ticket by the deadline printed on the citation and avoid additional penalties:
- Your violation might require a court appearance.
- If so, find out the exact court location and the date and time you must appear.
- If you had a TVB ticket and the printed copy doesn't state whether you must appear in court, contact the appropriate TVB location for details.
- Your specific traffic ticket details.
- The following NY traffic ticket details will help you determine whether to plead "guilty" or "not guilty" to your traffic violation (they might also help a traffic ticket attorney advise you): your traffic violation; the citation number; the location, date, and time you were pulled over; the officer's and agency's names.
- NY traffic citation costs.
- This includes the violation fine as well as any additional court costs, fees, or surcharges.
- Traffic ticket fine payment options and methods.
- Depending on your violation type and the court handling your citation, are you eligible to pay online, by mail, over the phone, or—of course—in person?
- Which payment methods does your court accept? Can you use credit cards, personal checks, or cash?
- Find out the deadline by which you must respond.
- Will you plead "guilty" and pay your fine or plead "not guilty" and schedule a hearing?
Respond to Your NY Traffic Ticket
Simply put:
- When you plead "guilty" your admitting guilt and agreeing to pay the traffic ticket fine as well as accept any other penalties associated with the violation, such as points added to your driving record or even license suspension.
- When you plead "not guilty" you're challenging your ticket in court and agreeing to accept any costs and penalties should the judge find you guilty.
Learn more about each of these methods in our Pay Traffic Ticket and Fight Traffic Ticket sections.