Commercial Driver FAQs in New Hampshire
Where to Find CDL Info
Becoming licensed to drive a commercial motor vehicle is a lengthy process, and at some point you might have questions.
DMV.ORG has covered the basics of applying for a CDL, obtaining commercial driver education, renewing your CDL and replacing a lost CDL, as well as state and federal CDL rules, equipment, and safety.
I've been convicted of a traffic violation. How should I handle this regarding my CDL?
You'll need to tell your employer within 30 days of the conviction, unless it was a parking ticket. If you are convicted of a traffic violation while driving in another state you must notify the NH Division of Motor Vehicles within 30 days in addition to notifying your employer.
I'm familiar with the classes and endorsements of CDLs, but what are the restrictions?
The following restrictions can be placed on CDLs in New Hampshire:
- Code A: No restrictions
- Code B: Corrective lens
- Code C: Mechanical aid
- Code D: Prosthetic aid
- Code E: Automatic transmission
- Code F: Outside mirror
- Code G: Limited to daylight only
- Code K: CDL intrastate only
- Code L: No air brakes
- Code O: Except tractor trailers
New residents transferring their CDLs to New Hampshire may have a Code T, which means it is temporary for 60 days.
I refused an alcohol test when I was pulled over last night. I know I wasn't over the limit, but I didn't want to be out-of-service, either―I had a drink or two. What happens now?
You should have risked being out-of-service for 24 hours, because refusing an alcohol test causes your CDL to be revoked.
My CDL has been suspended, but my boss let me make a big delivery this morning―I was caught. What now?
You (and possibly your employer) face being fined up to $5,000, or jail time.