DMV Office Finder in Nebraska
Nebraska DMV Office Locations
Going to the DMV may not be your idea of a good time, but getting there more quickly can help free up your schedule, so you can make room for more things you do enjoy doing.
Our DMV office finder will come up with a list of the nearest DMV offices to you. Just enter your zip code above or click your county below to begin.
You can also continue reading to find out more about the services the NE DMV has to offer.
NE DMV Driver & Vehicle Services
All driving-related services in Nebraska are handled by the NE Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), however there are several specialized divisions within that umbrella department that each handles licensing-related services or vehicle services.
Driver Services
The Nebraska Driver Licensing Services (DLS) will oversee all of the personal paperwork you need to drive in NE, including:
- Driving permits.
- Driver's licenses for:
- State ID cards.
Click your county below or enter your zip code above to find the closest DLS office to you.
Vehicle Services
The documents needed to keep your vehicle street legal in NE are handled by the Nebraska Driver and Vehicle Records Division (DVR).
Specifically, these offices can help you with:
Appointments & Online Services
Know before you go: The NE DMV offers a number of online services that could help you complete your task without leaving home at all! See if your task falls under the list of things you can do right from home.
If you still need to visit a DMV office, you may be able to make an appointment ahead of time, and jump to the front of the line.
NE DMV Contact Information
Driver Services
NE Driver Licensing Services
Call center: (402) 471-3861
Mailing address:
Nebraska State Office Building
Driver Licensing Services
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 94726
Lincoln, Nebraska 68509-4726
Vehicle Services
Nebraska Driver and Vehicle Records Division
Call center: (402) 471-3918.
Mailing address:
Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles
Driver and Vehicle Records Division
301 Centennial Mall South
P.O. Box 94789
Lincoln, NE 68509