Vehicle Code in Nebraska
Nebraska Motor Vehicle Code
If you want to learn about the exact language of the traffic law you violated to receive a traffic citation or want detailed information about any of the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) rules and procedures, the Nebraska motor vehicle and traffic codes is a good place to look.
The code contains information about the rules and regulations than govern everything from driver's license and vehicle registration to driving under the influence violations and speeding.
On this page you'll find out how you can access and explore the Nebraska motor vehicle code and some links to relevant chapters.
If you need specific information about your driver's license you should contact the Nebraska DMV. If you are looking for legal advice, you should consider contacting an attorney.
Access the Nebraska Vehicle Code
If you've ever wondered how the Nebraska Department of Motor Vehicles develops its rules and regulations, you may want to take a look at the state's motor vehicle/transportation code. The code is actually one chapter―Chapter 60, to be exact―from the state's legislative statutes.
For your convenience, the vehicle code is available online.
What is Outlined in the NE Vehicle Code
In the vehicle code, you'll find the legal framework for most of the activities within the Nebraska DMV. For example, the vehicle code outlines the procedures for obtaining your driver's license, registering your car, and requesting personalized license plates.
It also discusses what happens if you accumulate too many points on your driving record or fail to provide proof of financial responsibility. To protect your privacy, Section 60-2905 of the vehicle code prohibits the disclosure of personal information for unauthorized purposes.
In addition to governing general Nebraska DMV operations, the Nebraska vehicle code also outlines the penalties for various motor vehicle-related offenses. If you've ever received a traffic ticket, the numbers on your citation refer to the section of the vehicle code that you have violated. If you plan to appear in court to protest your ticket, it can be helpful to review the portion of the vehicle code that relates to your case. For example:
- Section 60-6,270 outlines the state's policies regarding seat belt use.
- Section 60-6,269 describes the process for determining if you've violated Nebraska's laws regarding car seat usage.
- Section 60-6,213 defines the term "reckless driving."
- Section 60-6,196 outlines the penalties for driving a motor vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DUI).
- Section 60-6,315 discusses what Nebraska traffic laws that apply to bicycle riders.
Check Your NE Driver's License Status
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your Nebraska driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid. Should your license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record with the Nebraska DMV. This report will also show points against your driver's license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
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