Traffic Ticket FAQ in North Dakota
I was ticketed. What do I do next?
You have 14 days from the citation date to post bond (North Dakota's way of saying "pay the fine"). You must submit it, along with the citation, to the court listed on your citation. If you plan on challenging the ticket, you must request a hearing date when posting bond.
If I challenge the ticket and win, will the court return my bond money?
Yes, if you fight your ticket in court and receive a favorable verdict, your bond payment will be returned.
What if I want to plead guilty, but can't pay the bond?
If you want to plead guilty, but lack the funds to post bond, contact the court in person and ask for an extension.
Will I get points if ticketed?
Yes. The state will assign points to your driving record. Read more in our Traffic Ticket Fines & Penalties section.
Will the state suspend my license if I get too many points?
Your ND driver's license will be suspended if you accumulate 12 or more points on your driving record. Or, if you're younger than 18 years old, you will lose your driving privileges for 6 points or more.
Can I do anything to reduce points from my driving record?
Yes. Visit our Point Reduction page for a more detailed answer.
Will a traffic violation affect my auto insurance rates?
Traffic violations are usually followed by higher car insurance rates. If your premiums exceed your budget, consider shopping around for a new provider. Comparing car insurance rates online is a convenient and effective way for a finding coverage that fits your needs and budget.
Why should I check my driving record?
It's always a smart idea to know where you stand with points. If your point total is approaching the state's suspension mark, you may look into getting points reduced by enrolling in a state-approved driver training course.
What happens if I lose my traffic ticket?
You will need to contact the presiding court as explained in our Lost Traffic Ticket page.
Should I hire a traffic ticket attorney?
A traffic ticket attorney might improve your chances for reduced charges or a dismissed ticket. This in turn will spare you of points, the possible loss of driving privileges and increased car insurance rates.