Vehicle Code in Montana

Montana Motor Vehicle Code

If you are looking for specific information about Montana Department of Justice procedures, driver's licensing rules, vehicle regulations, or traffic laws, the Montana motor vehicle statutes can be a good place to turn.

If you've recently received a traffic ticket, you can look up the exact language of the law you violated to determine if you have any grounds to fight the citation.

On this page you'll find information about accessing the motor vehicle codes, links to common chapters, and links to other related topics.

While the motor vehicle code can serve as a great starting point, you may want to contact the Montana DOJ for specific information, or a lawyer if you need legal advice.

Access the Montana Vehicle Code

Upon first appearance, the Montana Vehicle Code resembles a colossal monument to legal-speak, but after paging through it you will quickly realize that it's a gold mine of information. Every driving rule and regulation is explained in categorical detail under Title 61.

Important MT Vehicle Code Chapters

There are several chapters devoted of the vehicle code dedicated to driving, vehicle, and traffic statutes. Below is a sample of some of the chapters and topics that are covered.

Highway Safety

The highway safety chapter includes information about topics such as:

  • Driver rehabilitation and driver improvement programs.
  • Vehicle equipment safety and regulations.
  • County drinking and driving prevention programs.

Driver's Licenses

The driver's license chapter includes information about topics such as:

  • Residency requirements.
  • Providing information to the Selective Service.
  • Motorcycle endorsements and testing requirements.
  • Driver's licensing processes and procedures.

Vehicle Equipment

The vehicle equipment chapter covers information including:

  • Maintenance of brakes.
  • Muffler noise regulations.
  • Headlamp requirements.
  • Required safety equipment.
  • Exemptions for certain vehicles.

Titles, Registrations, and Taxation

The titles, registrations, and taxation chapter includes information on:

  • Lost title and registration certificates.
  • Vehicle identification numbers (VIN).
  • Boat registration.

Traffic Regulation

The traffic regulations chapter gets into Montana traffic laws, such as:

  • No-passing zone violations.
  • Driving under the influence (DUI) of drugs/alcohol.
  • Use of radars.
  • Reckless driving.
  • Special speed zones.
  • Hand signals.

Check Your MT Driver's License Status

Whenever you need or want to check the status of your Montana driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid. If your driver's license was revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record with the Montana Department of Justice (DOJ). This report will also show points against your driver's license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.

It's important to remember that too many traffic tickets for minor violations and certain major traffic violations can result in the Montana Department of Justice taking action against your driver's license. You may face:

  • A driver's license suspension, revocation, or cancellation.
  • Reinstatement fees and requirements.
  • Driving restrictions.
  • Defensive driving program requirements.

You may also face higher car insurance rates after receiving a ticket. If your rates have increased, you can contact your insurance provider to ask about discount opportunities or you can shop around for a new car insurance policy.

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