Drivers in the Military in Mississippi
Military Personnel in Mississippi
The Mississippi Department of Public Safety (DPS) allows any military personnel and their family who hold a valid driver’s license from another state to drive in Mississippi.
(This also holds true for any out-of-state college students.)
Out-of-State Renewal of MS Driver's License
If you have a valid Mississippi Drivers License, and the military has you living temporarily outside of the state, don't be discouraged about taking care of business from afar. In fact, when it comes to renewing a driver's license, active members of the military who are Mississippi residents have it easy.
All you need to do to renew your Mississippi drivers license is:
- Self-addressed, stamped envelope with your current mailing address
- A photocopy of Mississippi driver’s license or social security card.
- First page of military orders placing you at your current duty station.
- Letter from your commanding officer stating your name, your MS driver’s license number and your deployment status.
- Certified check made out to the Mississippi Department of Public Safety for $24 for regular renewal, or $11 for replacement of lost license and $1 late fee if license has already expired.
Mail your request and the required information to:
Office of Central Print
P.O. Box 1459
Canton, MS 39046
Once you return to the Mississippi, you will need to get a license with your photo. The fee for this duplicate is $11. Simply gather the documentation stated above and make a trip to your local driver's license office.
Vehicle Registration
Active-duty military members stationed in Mississippi, but are residents of another state are not required to obtain a Mississippi registration or tag.
Military personnel who are residents of Mississippi are required to register their vehicle in Mississippi.
To Determine How Much Your Car Tags Will Costs...
In Mississippi, drivers pay privilege tax, registration fees, ad valorem taxes. In addition, some counties require sales or use tax add to your fees when you tag your vehicle.
But State Fees are:
- 1st registration - $14.
- Renewals - $12.75.
All the other taxes are based on the type of vehicle, the value of that vehicle, and where you live (city, county.) So you'll need to contact your local county Tax Collector to find out exactly how much you'll have to pay.
Active-duty military personnel can register to vote, and they can also vote by absentee ballot in all elections. To request registration, or an absentee ballot, contact your county's Voter Registrar.
For more information, please call our Elections Answer line at (800) 829-6786.