Vehicle Code in Mississippi
Mississippi Motor Vehicle Code
The Motor Vehicles and Traffic Regulations title, or motor vehicle code, of the Mississippi statute is a great place to turn for specific information on topics such as driver's licensing procedures, vehicle registration rules, and traffic laws.
Whether you are looking for some of the exemptions to certain Mississippi Department of Public Safety (DPS) or Department of Revenue (DOR) procedures, or the exact aspects of a traffic law/violation, the motor vehicle code can be useful.
If you recently received a traffic ticket, you may be able to use the motor vehicle code to determine whether or not you would be able to fight your citation. However, if you are seeking specific legal advice, it may be wise to contact a lawyer.
On this page you'll find information about accessing the Mississippi motor vehicle codes and some links to other related topics.
Access to the Mississippi Vehicle Code
The motor vehicle code of Mississippi is Title 63 of the state code. It spells out specifics in all laws revolving around motor vehicles and their usage within Mississippi. You can access the motor vehicle code online through Lexis Nexis.
You may want to study it to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations involving motor vehicles. The code is also a great reference should you have questions about your rights, responsibilities, and state laws.
Title 63 is divided into various sections, covering topics including:
- Driver's license.
- Mandatory seat belt usage.
- Traffic rules, regulations, and violations.
- Titles and registration.
- Motor vehicle safety and responsibility.
- Chop shop act.
- Financing laws.
Details of the Code
Reading the Mississippi motor vehicle code is easy, once you understand how to search through it. Since the motor vehicle section of the code is called Title 63, all references to parts of the vehicle code will begin with the number 63. The second number is the chapter within the title, and the third number is the subsection. For this reason, knowing the specific chapter and section of the law you are looking for will help you to navigate the Mississippi motor vehicle code.
Check Your MS Driver's License Status
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your Mississippi driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid. Should your license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record with the Mississippi DPS. This report will also show points against your license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
Remember, too many minor traffic violations and certain major offenses can trigger the Mississippi Department of Public Safety (DPS) to take some of the following actions against your driving privilege:
- Driver's license suspension, revocation, or cancellation.
- Reinstatement fees and procedures.
- Driving restrictions.
- Defensive driving/traffic school requirements.
Additionally, you may face higher car insurance rates after receiving a traffic ticket.
For more information on topics related to traffic violations and penalties, please visit our pages on the following topics: