Driving Records in Minnesota

Driving Records in Minnesota

If you need your own driving record or the driving history of another driver, you can order it through the Minnesota Department of Public Safety (DPS) Driver and Vehicle Services (DVS).

Your Minnesota driving record contains information about your driver's license and driving history, and can be used:

  • To adjust your car insurance rates and investigate claims.
  • As part of pre-employment screening or a background check.
  • For legal proceedings and investigations.

Types of MN Driving Records

The Minnesota DMV offers the following types of driving records:

  • Certified driving records, which show a driver's complete driving history.
  • Non-certified driving records, which show a driver's conviction history for the past 5 years.

What Is Included on Your Driving Record?

Your Minnesota driving record contains different kinds of information:

  • Public information, which is available to anyone and includes:
    • The status of your MN driver license (e.g. suspended, revoked, cancelled or valid).
    • Your zip code.
    • Convictions.
    • Outstanding fees and fines.
    • Your height, weight, eye color, and hair color.
  • Restricted information, which is available to you and requestors authorized by law, and includes your:
    • Name.
    • Date of birth.
    • Address.
    • MN driver's license number.
  • Private information, which is available to you and authorized requestors, and includes:
    • Your Social Security number (SSN).
    • Disability information.
    • Leased vehicle information.
    • Designated caregiver information.
    • Medical information.
  • Confidential information, which is only available to authorized Minnesota DMV employees and includes:
    • Information submitted by family members that describes your ability to drive.

Your MN driving record contains information about your:

  • Traffic accidents.
  • Traffic violations.
  • Driver license suspensions.
  • Driver license revocations.
  • Driver license cancellations.

All of the above can lead to fines, fees, mandatory attendance at a traffic school, and increased insurance rates.

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Employer, Insurance Company & Attorney Requests

You can request another person's Minnesota driving record if the purpose of your request falls into one of the following categories:

  • Government agencies conducting official business.
  • Employers and business verifying personal information for employee background checks.
  • For use in civil, criminal, or administrative proceedings in federal, state, or local courts and MN DPS agencies.
  • Insurance agencies investigating claims or adjusting insurance polices.

For a complete list and description of authorized uses for driving records, please refer to the DVS Records Request (Form PS2502).

You can order someone else's MN driving record by mail or in person. You cannot order a driving record from the Minnesota DMV online.

Order by Mail or in Person

To request MN driving record by mail or in person, you'll need:

  • A completed DVS Records Request (Form PS2502). Be sure to include:
    • The driver's personal information.
    • Your mailing address and company information.
    • The reason for your request.
  • A completed Multiple Record Supplement (Form PS2502A) if you are requesting multiple driving records.
  • Payment. (See the “Fees for MN Driving Records" section below.)

Take the above to your local MN DVS office, or mail it to:

Driver and Vehicle Services
445 Minnesota St, Suite 161
St Paul, MN 55101

NOTE: You can also request another person's driving record if you have written permission from them. You will also need to submit an Authorization Form (Grant Access to Record) (Form PS2506) completed by the driver.

Order Your Own Minnesota Driving Record

You can order your own Minnesota driving record either by mail or in person. You will need:

  • A completed DVS Records Request (Form PS2502). Be sure to include your:
    • Full name.
    • Date of birth.
    • MN driver's license number.
  • Payment. (See the “Fees for MN Driving Records" section below.)

Take the above to your local Minnesota DMV office or mail it to:

Driver and Vehicle Services
445 Minnesota St, Suite 161
St Paul, MN 55101

Order your non-certified Minnesota driving record online!

Need a copy of your driving record fast? Order it online.

Fees for MN Driving Records

Minnesota driving record fees differ depending on the type of driving record:

  • Your own non-certified driving record: $9.
  • Another driver's non-certified driving record: $9.50.
  • Your own certified driving record: $10If requested by the subject of the data.
  • Another driver's certified driving record: $10.50.

Accepted Payment Methods

If you are requesting a Minnesota driving record in person, contact your local Minnesota DMV office to confirm accepted payment methods.

For mailed-in applications, payment must be made by check made payable to “ Driver and Vehicle Services."

Correct Your Driving Record in Minnesota

If you believe information on your MN driving record is incorrect, you should contact the Minnesota DPS Driver and Vehicle Services. You can either visit your local Minnesota DPS office in person or call:

  • (651) 297-3298.
  • (651) 282-6555 (for hearing-impaired customers).

Keep Your Information Private

If you want to keep your name and home address private on your MN driving record, you'll need a completed Private Data Request form (PS33202).

Return the form in person at your local Minnesota DMV office or mail it to:

Driver and Vehicle Services
445 Minnesota St Suite 190
St Paul MN 55101


Authorization Form Grant Access to Record
Give the Minnesota DVS permission to release your driving record(s) to another person.
Multiple Record Supplement
Use this supplemental form when requesting the MN driving records of multiple people from Driver and Vehicle Services.
Private Data Request
If you have a grave concern for your safety, use this form to request your personal DVS information (name, address, etc.) be kept private.
Records Request
Request your own Minnesota DVS record or that of someone else for reasons allowed by law.
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