Ticket Fines and Penalties in Maine
Maine Traffic Ticket Fines and Costs
Fines for minor traffic violations (infractions that don't mandate a court appearance) are uniform throughout Maine. This means, for example, that a fine for failing to stop at a red light in Augusta is the same in Freeport.
Fines for major infractions (violations that mandate a court appearance) may vary due to previous violations, severity of charge, and/or court verdict.
In most cases, your citation will provide full details about the charges, along with contact information should you have questions. If you've lost your ticket, read how to replace it in our Lost Traffic Ticket section.
Currently Maine imposes a surcharge on traffic ticket fines for the funding of jail/criminal operations and the Community Policing Institute.
Pay Ticket
(Plead Guilty or No Contest)
- Pay the fine
- Option to plea bargain penalties
- Incur demerit points on your driving record (could lead to license suspension/revocation)
- Possibly incur increase on auto insurance rates
Learn more about Paying Your Traffic Ticket »
Fight Ticket
(Plead Not Guilty)
- Contest traffic ticket before judge.
- No penalties if found not guilty, but must pay court/attorney fees.
- Pay fine, court and attorney fees if found guilty.
Learn more about Fighting Your Traffic Ticket »
Auto Insurance Rate Increase
Depending on your traffic infraction and the policies of your car insurance provider, you may incur increased auto insurance rates. Should this occur, you always have the option to shop online for a new car insurance carrier by comparing rates from a variety of different auto insurance companies.
Maine Traffic Ticket Penalties
Depending on your traffic violation, you could face one or both of the following penalties:
- Demerit points added to your Maine driving record.
- Having your ME driver's license suspended or revoked.
Your type of license (learner's permit, provisional license, CDL, etc) will also factor into the severity of your penalty or penalties.
Maine Point System
Maine assigns demerit points to each traffic violation. The more severe the infraction the higher the points. You do have a couple options in which you can remove demerit points from your driving record. Learn more on our Defensive Driving page.
Some of the more common infractions have the following points:
- Improper passing―6 points.
- Leaving the scene of an accident―6 points.
- Exceeding posted speed limit by less than 15 mph―4 points.
- Failing to obey a stop sign―4 points.
- Improper turn―2 points.
- Illegal U-turn―2 points.
For a complete listing of violations with corresponding points consult Maine's Motorist Handbook.
ME Driver's License Suspension and Revocation
If your Maine driving privileges are taken away, it's always good to know the difference between revoked and suspended, as defined by the BMV:
Suspended ME Driver's License―Your driving rights are temporarily withdrawn. You will not be allowed to drive again until a written notice of reinstatement is received.
Revoked Maine Driver's License―This is rarely used, but when it does occur it means your driving privileges have been terminated. At the end of your revocation period you must reapply for a driver's license, requiring the passing of Maine's knowledge and road tests.
Some of the more common violations resulting in revocation include:
- Vehicular manslaughter―Your license will be revoked for 5 years, or permanently if alcohol is involved.
- Habitual offender―This involves 3 major violations or more (OUI, DUI, driving without a license, etc) within a period of 5 years. The revocation period is for 1 year.
Some of the more typical violations resulting in a suspension include:
- Failing to carry car insurance.
- Failing to appear in court for a traffic violation.
- OUI.
- Leaving the scene of an accident.
- Failing to stop for a police officer.
- Driving alone on a permit.
The length of the suspension depends on the violation and the decision of the court. Typically, for first time offenders, suspensions may last from 30 to 90 days.
Suspension From Demerit Points
Maine will suspend your driver's license for too many points on your ME driving record. After 6 points, you will receive a warning letter. After 12 points your driving privileges will be suspended.
Check Driving Record
It's always smart to monitor your driving record, checking for accuracies in points. Any unaccounted points could cause the loss of your Maine driving privileges and/or cause your car insurance rates to jump.
Penalties for Drivers Younger Than 21 Years Old
In addition to the violations discussed above, you may also lose your driving privileges for violating any of your imposed driver's license restrictions (using a cell phone, driving without a licensed driver, driving with too many passengers, etc.).
Drinking laws are more strict for minors. You will lose your license for 1 year if caught driving with any detectable amounts of alcohol in your system. Or for 18 months for refusing a sobriety test.
And keep in mind that you can have your ME license or permit suspended at the written request of the co-signer on your license application.
For more information on driving penalties, read Maine's Motorist Handbook.
Penalties for Maine Commercial Drivers
Regardless of the vehicle you were driving, you must notify your employer within 30 days of any traffic violation. This applies to both in and out of state.
First Offenses
By rule, commercial drivers have less leeway for traffic convictions. The following first offenses will cause you to lose your commercial drivers license (CDL) for 1 year:
- Having a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.04% while operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV).
- Refusing a sobriety test.
- Leaving the scene of an accident.
- Using the vehicle to commit a felony.
- Driving with a revoked or suspended CDL.
- Causing a fatality through the negligent operation of a CDL.
Serious Traffic Violations
You will lose your CDL for 60 days for the second conviction of any combination of the following violations:
- Speeding 15 mph above the posted speed limit.
- Reckless driving.
- Improper lane changes.
- Following the vehicle ahead of you too closely.
- Driving a CMV without a CDL.
- Operating a CMV without your CDL in your possession.
- Driving a CDL without the proper endorsement.
- Texting while driving.
CDL Disqualifications
You may lose your CDL permanently for a number of second offenses including driving with a BAC of 0.04%, leaving the scene of an accident and using your vehicle to commit a felony. For a full listing of penalties, visit the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's website.