Title Transfers in Maine
- Seller provides title and bill of sale to buyer, properly assigned.
- Seller obtains lien release, if necessary, and provides proof to buyer.
- Buyer acquires title application from the BMV.
- Buyer submits all paperwork, plus application and payment for fees, to the BMV.
Keep reading for more details on Maine title transfers.
New to Maine
Maine requires titles on vehicles model year 1997 and newer. Upon moving to your new state, you'll want to title and register your vehicle with the Bureau of Motor Vehicles within 30 days.
You'll need to visit your local municipal office and provide:
- Out-of-state title and registration.
- Proof of Maine car insurance.
- Payment for titling fees and excise tax.
- You'll also be responsible for registration fees at this time.
- Lienholder information, if applicable.
- Completed title application. (Available at any BMV branch location)
If your municipal office doesn't process titles and registrations, they will direct you to your closest BMV office, where you can pay for your fees, or you can mail the application, the out of state title and your fees to:
- Title Examination and Information Unit
- Bureau of Motor Vehicles
- 29 State House Station
- Augusta, ME 04333
Once you have titled and registered your vehicle in Maine, you'll need to have it inspected—ask the municipal clerk for a permit to complete your inspection.
Buying or Selling a Vehicle
Buying a Vehicle from a Dealer
If you purchase a vehicle from a Maine dealership, the dealer will very likely handle the titling paperwork on your behalf.
However, if they don't, you'll need to submit:
- The Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO) for a new car, or the title for a vehicle that was pre-owned.
- A title application, available at your local BMV office
- Payment for your titling fees and taxes.
You can bring these documents to the BMV branch nearest you, or mail them to the Augusta Title Unit at:
- Title Examination and Information Unit
- Bureau of Motor Vehicles
- 29 State House Station
- Augusta, ME 04333
You'll also need to visit your local town office to pay your excise tax before you can register the car.
Vehicles Being Financed
If you've financed your vehicle, you'll need to submit the above application, payment, and documents to your new lienholder. The lienholder will then take ownership of the title and submit all paperwork to the BMV.
Buying from a Private Party
When purchasing a vehicle from another person, you'll need to obtain from the seller:
- The title or MCO (if the vehicle is a 1997 model year or newer), properly assigned over to you as the new owner.
- A bill of sale, signed by the seller and you.
- Proof of a lien release, if applicable.
- An odometer disclosure statement, written on either:
- The back of the title or MCO.
OR - An Odometer Information sheet (Form MVT-32).
- The back of the title or MCO.
Gather these documents, along with:
- Proof of ME car insurance.
- A completed title application, available:
- At your local BMV.
- Payment for fees and taxes owed.
Bring these documents in person to your Bureau of Motor Vehicles branch office, or send them to the BMV's Title Unit:
- Title Examination and Information Unit
- Bureau of Motor Vehicles
- 29 State House Station
- Augusta, ME 04333
Selling a Vehicle in Maine
When selling your car to another person, the buyer is responsible for transferring the ownership of the vehicle with the BMV. However, as the seller, you are responsible for providing the buyer with the proper documents and signatures to make that possible.
You'll need to:
- Fill out the title or MCO and assign ownership of the vehicle to the buyer.
- Complete a bill of sale.
- Provide the buyer with an odometer disclosure statement.
- You may write it either on the back of the title, OR you may use the BMV Odometer Information sheet (Form MVT-32).
- Provide proof of any lien releases, if applicable.
- You cannot sell the vehicle with a lien still on it.
Gifting, Donating, or Inheriting a Vehicle
Gifted and Donated Vehicles
The process for gifting or donating a vehicle should very closely mirror that of transferring ownership in a private sale. The sale price for the vehicle will be “$0." Check with your local BMV for any specific requirements.
Inherited Vehicles
Upon the death of a vehicle owner, the vehicle will be transferred to the surviving spouse, the named personal representative, or other named survivors.
You will need to:
- Complete an Affidavit of Surviving Spouse or Personal Representative (Form MVT-22).
- Obtain a copy of the death certificate.
- Gather the title and current registration.
- Submit all documents to the BMV.
If you are not the spouse or personal representative of the deceased, you will need a letter from the probate court authorizing the transfer.
More details about specific scenarios can be read at the bottom of the Affidavit form.
Titling Fees in Maine
Fees to title a vehicle or transfer a title in Maine are as follows:
- First-time title application:
- No lien: $33.
- 1 lien: $33.
- 2 liens: $33.
- Duplicate title: $33.
- Corrected title: $33.
- Expedited title (rush fee): $10.
- Transfer to surviving spouse: Free.
- Sales tax: 5.5% of the vehicle's purchase price.
For a full list of fees, please visit the BMV website.
Removing Liens from a Maine Title
Once you've paid of a loan on your car, you can request a clear title removing the lienholderas an owner of the vehicle.
The lienholder has 10 days to execute a release of the lien and notify the Secretary of State.
If records at the BMV still show a lien against the vehicle that has since been released, you may request that your lienholder fill out a Release of Lien (Form MVT-12) and submit it to the BMV.
Obtain a Duplicate ME Title
If your title is lost or damaged, you can get a replacement by filling out a Request to Re-issue a Certificate of Title (Form MVT-8) and paying the duplicate title fee. You can also opt to have your title rushed to you for an additional $10.
If a previous title was recently issued the Secretary of State will wait 15 days to issue the duplicate title. You can contact your local BMV for updates on your title status.