Dealer Forms in Maine

All Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) forms are downloadable. The forms are mostly available as PDFs, which means you will need a free copy of the Adobe Reader software on the computer you are using to access the Internet.

What To Do With the Forms

You need to make sure you follow this application process:

  • Fill out the Application for a Dealer License (Form MVD-350) and attach the $150 application fee.
  • Fill out the Applicant Questionnaire for the Licensing of Dealers, Transporters, Loaners or Recyclers (Form MVD-362) and have it notarized.
  • Fill out the Building Code, Zoning and Land Use Regulatory Ordinance Clearance (Form MVD-363). It needs to be signed and notarized by the local zoning officer where the dealership will be located.
  • Submit a completed Maine State Police background check.
  • If the business is a partnership, submit a copy of the partnership agreement with the names of all partners and their percentage of ownership. This paper must also be recorded with the town or city where the business is to be located.
  • If the business is a corporation, submit a copy of the corporate articles with the names of all partners and their percentage of ownership. This paper must also be recorded with the town or city where the business is to be located.
  • If the business is an individual owner, the owner must be registered with the town or city where doing business as a DBA.
  • If the applicant does not own the land where the business is to be located, a witnessed and notarized copy of the lease agreement must be enclosed.
  • Submit the Dealership Plot Plan (Form MVD-364).

Once all of the above are filed with the application, an inspection will be scheduled by the Maine BMV. If the applicant successfully passes the inspection, the applicant still needs to file proof of insurance and a Surety Bond for Motor Vehicle Dealer (Form MVD-390) before the license may be issued.

The applicant will need to pay a $150 licensing fee before the license can be issued.

Maine Auto Dealer Forms

The Maine BMV provides additional online forms and informational literature for the benefit of those applying for a dealer's license:

DMV.ORG BBB Business Review