Vehicle Code in Maine
Contents of the Maine Motor Vehicle Code
Maine's motor vehicle code comprises the laws passed for the protection and safety of drivers and pedestrians. If you're stopped by a police officer and ticketed, it's because you violated one of the laws listed below.
If you want to study before taking a learner's permit exam, these laws are the basis for the questions. Also, if you want to dispute a violation, you'll need to check these vehicle codes to build your case before the judge.
Reading the Maine motor vehicle code can help you gain a better understanding of the reason why you received a traffic ticket and whether or not you will likely be able to contest your citation in court.
Additionally, gaining a better understanding of the Maine motor vehicle code can help you avoid committing traffic violations and make your Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) transactions smoother in the future.
On this page you'll find an overview of the Maine motor vehicle code and links that will allow you to access it.
NOTE: If you need legal advice or help contesting a traffic citation, you should consider contacting an attorney.
Maine Vehicle Code's Chapters
Maine's vehicle code is packed with chapters that are loaded with legalese. Not all of the chapters or subsections will interest you, but take a look at the following topics (it's common to see these cited on traffic tickets):
Maine motor vehicle code: Title 29-A: Motor Vehicles
- Criminal OUI
- License required
- Financial responsibility and insurance
- Registration required
- U-turns
- Accidents involving death or personal Injury
- Accidents involving vehicle damage
- Equipment (mechanical violation)
- Driving to endanger
- Traffic-control devices
- Use of safety seat belts
- Rates of speed
The Maine motor vehicle code serves as a great starting point for any questions you may have about traffic violations, driver's licensing procedures, vehicle registration/titling requirements, etc.
Check Your OK Driver's License Status
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your OK driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid. Should your driver's license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record at the Maine BMV. This report will also show points against your driver's license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
It's important to keep in mind that traffic violations and accidents can cause the Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) to take action against your driving privileges. If you commit too many minor traffic violations or certain major offenses, you may face:
- A driver's license suspension, revocation, or cancellation.
- Fees and fines.
- Driving restrictions.
- Defensive driving/driver improvement course completion requirements.
Additionally, your car insurance premiums may increase after you commit traffic violations or cause accidents.
If you are curious about the laws governing your Oklahoma driver's license suspension or reinstatement requirements, the Maine motor vehicle code is a good place to turn. However, if you have specific questions about your driver's license status, you may want to order your driving record and or contact a Maine Bureau of Motor Vehicles (BMV) office (BMV).