Voter Registration in Massachusetts
Voter Registration in Massachusetts
There are several ways you can register to vote in Massachusetts or update your MA voter registration.
The state offers voter registration by mail and in person at Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) offices and other locations.
You can also register to vote online using the Massachusetts online voter registration system.
Residents of MA living overseas can register to vote through the Federal Voting Assistance Program website.
Read below for more information about MA voter registration.
Voter Eligibility in Massachusetts
You are eligible to register to vote in MA if you are:
- A citizen of the U.S.
- A resident of Massachusetts.
- At least 16 years old to pre-register. (To vote you must be 18 years old on or before Election Day).
- Are not currently incarcerated due to a felony conviction.*
*Once you are released from incarceration your voting rights are restored and you should re-register to vote.
Register to Vote in Massachusetts
Registering to vote in MA is easy. If you are not sure if you are registered already you can check your registration status online.
If you not registered and are eligible, you can register to vote:
- Online.
- In person.
- By mail.
You can register online using the state's Online Voter Registration System. In order to register to vote this way in MA, you must have:
- A valid driver's license or learner's permit issued by Massachusetts.
OR - A valid non-driver ID card issued by the state.
AND - Have your signature on record at the MA Registry of Motor Vehicles.
This page can also be used for several other functions regarding the voter registration process, including:
- Changing your name or address for voter registration purposes.
- Establishing or changing your political party affiliation.
Find all the information you need to finish your moving requirements with the DMV.
In Person
You can register to vote in person at:
- A local MA election office (see below).
- Any voter registration event in Massachusetts.
- A MA RMV office when you apply for you your MA driver's license.
- If registering at an RMV office, keep your receipt until you get confirmation from your local election official. If you do not receive your confirmation, contact your local election office to make sure you're registered.
When registering to vote in person, you'll fill out an affidavit of registration. You must answer all questions truthfully.
Massachusetts Election Office
City and town election offices provide several services. You can:
- Get a voter registration form.
- Register to vote.
- Send them your mail-in registration form.
- Inquire about your voter registration status.
Offices are located throughout Massachusetts.
By Mail
To register to vote by mail:
- Complete the Massachusetts Official Mail-In Voter Registration Form.*
- Send it to your city or town election office.
* NOTE: In addition to downloading the mail-in registration form, you can also:
- Request a copy be mailed to you by calling (617) 727-2828 or (800) 462-8683.
- Obtain one from any high school, vocational school, college, or university.
Your confirmation notice will be ailed to you. If you do not received it, reach out to your local election office to confirm your voting status.
Proof of Identification
If you are registering to vote for the first time in MA, you must attach a proof of ID to your voter registration form. (Copies are accepted, and items may not be returned.)
Please see instructions of what is identification is acceptable on the instruction portion of the form.
NOTE: If you neglect to provide proof of ID when required, you can only submit a provisional ballot. It will be counted later AFTER your eligible voter status has been confirmed.
MA Voter Registration Deadlines
In order to vote and/or attend special town meetings, you must complete your Massachusetts voter registration before a primary, election, or meeting.
The registration deadlines* depend on the election type:
- 10 days before a town meeting or election to register to vote, update registration or change party affiliation.
- Absentee ballot deadlines vary based on how they are sent to the Secretary of the Commonwealth.
*State, Primary and local Election Ballots have specific deadlines for Military members, their dependents and other out-of-state voters. Some of these deadlines depend on the circumstances of how the ballot is received.
Military, Overseas, & Out-of-State Voters
If you are a Massachusetts resident but you are overseas or attending school in another state, you can still register to vote in MA. If you are voting when you are outside of MA you must be aware of the deadlines to register and/or to submit your ballot.
Military & Overseas Residents
You can register to vote using the Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application (Form 76) if you are:
- A military member OR military dependent.
- A U.S. citizen who is overseas.
The FPCA can be submitted:
- Online.
- By mail.
- By e-mail.
- By fax.
You can complete the FPCA online on the Federal Voting Assistance Programwebsite.
By Mail, E-mail, or Fax
To send your FPCA by mail, e-mail, or fax:
- Print the Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application (Form 76).
- Send the completed application to the election office in your permanent home city or town.
Out-of-State Voters
Most out-of-state voters who remain eligible to vote in MA can register using any of the standard methods outlined above.
If you're a college student attending school in another state, you can either:
- Register to vote in your home state.
- Register in the state where you attend school.
You should register from the address you consider your residence. For example, if Massachusetts is your permanent residence, register in MA.
If you registered in your home state, you can request that the state mail you an absentee ballot. Visit the state's website for more information on requesting an absentee ballot. Deadlines to register to vote by absentee ballot vary by how they ballot is sent in.
NOTE: You cannot register to vote in multiple states.
Changing Your MA Voter Registration
You can easily make changes to your voter registration, including changing your:
- Address.
- Name.
- Political party affiliation.
Change Your Address
When you move within the state of Massachusetts, you must notify your local election office:
- In writing, if you move within a town or city.
- By completing a new registration application, if you move to a new town or city.
Please see Register to Vote in Massachusetts above for more information about registering to vote.
Change Your Name or Other Details
You have to complete a new voter registration application to change your:
- Name.
- Party affiliation.
- Other information.
Please read the Register to Vote in Massachusetts section above to learn more about registering to vote.