Buying and Selling FAQs in Massachusetts
If you're looking to buy or sell a vehicle in Massachusetts but have a few questions, you've come to the right place!
I found a car I'd like to buy in Connecticut. How do I register it in Massachusetts?
First, you'll need to obtain car insurance for it in Massachusetts. The insurance agent will sign and stamp an Application for Registration and Title (Form TTLREG100).
Take that form with you to your local MA Registry of Motor Vehicles, along with the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin if the vehicle is new, or the current title signed over to you if you bought the car used. Be sure to have the Bill of Sale and current odometer reading with you when making application.
Check out our registration and title pages for more details about registering your car.
I've been thinking about buying a car from another country, but I don't know how to get started. Can you help?
Sure. First, check out the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration website for all the basics of importing a vehicle.
Once you have the basics, contact your local Massachusetts RMV office for specifics in your area.
I want to sell my car and buy a new one. My friends have told me I'll get more out of my car if I sell it myself, but I don't know how. Any pointers?
Check out our Buying and Selling Guides to get started.
Once there, you'll find tips to make your car the most appealing, a list of documents you'll need and how to complete all the paperwork, and links to websites where you can list your car once you're ready.
Can I get a temporary tag for my car?
The Massachusetts RMV does not issue temporary tags to individuals. Dealers can issue a temporary tag valid for 20 days if the General Registration tag has been lost or stolen, but the tag must be returned to the RMV when the replacement is received.
How much will it cost to register my new car?
The Massachusetts RMV offers a comprehensive list of fees for all types of vehicle and license transactions.
When I sell my car, do I keep the tag or does it go with the new owner?
You can keep the tag and transfer it to your next vehicle if your register it within 7 days of selling your old car.
The transfer fee is $25, and you'll also need to pay the $75 fee to title the new car in your name.
Does my car have to be inspected before I can register it?
Massachusetts requires a safety inspection and emissions test for most vehicles every year. The cost is $35.