Dealer Forms in Louisiana
The First Step
It's no surprise that becoming a motor vehicle dealer means handling a lot of paperwork―both for you and your customers.
Here, we've outlined the required applications and forms required by the Louisiana Motor Vehicle Commission (LMVC) for you to become a licensed motor vehicle dealer in Louisiana. All can be viewed using the free Adobe Reader. Completed forms and applications should be mailed to the address on the form.
Note that you must print these applications and forms on legal size paper.
The Initial Application for License as an Administrator is the first step to becoming a motor vehicle dealer. You'll be required to provide your personal contact information, as well as detailed information about your dealership. This includes owners, location, operation hours, and whether your building is rented or owned. Contact the LMVC for an application and more information.
The Application for License as a Salesman/Agent is the first step to becoming a salesman or agent. The application is available through the Louisiana Motor Vehicle Commission and must be completed by both the applicant and the dealer. The fee is $30.