Voter Registration in Kentucky
Voter Registration in Kentucky
Voting is how we make sure our voices are heard during local, state, and federal elections—but you have to register first!
Voter Eligibility in Kentucky
You're eligible to vote in Kentucky if:
- You're a U.S. citizen.
- You have been a resident in Kentucky for at least 28 days.
- You're at least 18 years old (or will be by the date of the next general election).
- If you'll be 18 years old by the November general election date, you are eligible to vote in the May primary election.)
- You have not been deemed mentally incompetent and had your voting rights revoked.
NOTE: You can't claim voting rights outside of Kentucky.
Felons and Voter Registration
If you've committed a felony, you can't vote unless your civil rights have been restored.
Visit the Kentucky Department of Corrections website for information on how to apply to restore your voting rights.
Registering to Vote in Kentucky
All eliblie Kentucky voters can register to vote online. Be prepared to provide your Social Security number and date of birth.
By Mail or In Person
Register to vote by mail or in person using the Mail-In Voter Registration Card (Form SBE 01), which you can download and print, or pick up at your local county clerk's office.
Mail the registration application to the address listed on the form OR register in person at your:
- County clerk's office.
- Driver license issuance office.
- Any government office that handles K-TAP, WIC, food stamps, Medicaid, or other state-funded offices for persons in need of these services.
- Recruitment offices for the armed forces.
- High school, if you're a student or staff member of the school.
You can check your voter registration status online using the state's Voter Information Center.
NOTE: Be prepared to show proof of identification when you vote. Examples include your driver's license or identification card. Without identification or personal affiliation with the polling officer, you must vote provisionally (see below).
Find all the information you need to finish your moving requirements with the DMV.
Provisional Voting
Even if you've had some trouble with your voter registration or identification requirements, you may still be able to vote provisionally.
Examples of situations in which you'd be required to vote provisionally include:
- You've registered to vote but your name doesn't show up on the roster.
- You show up at the polls without proper identification and no personal acquaintance with the polling officer.
- Your status has been challenged by all precinct election officers.
Talk with the election officers at your precinct's polling place to find out if provisional voting is an option for you.
Absentee Voter Registration
In Kentucky, you are eligible to be an absentee voter if you are:
- Of advanced age.
- Disabled.
- Ill.
- A student temporarily living in a different county.
- Temporarily living outside of Kentucky but are still eligible to vote in Kentucky.
- Employed in another county during all hours your polling place is open.
- Military personnel.
- A dependent of a member of the military.
- An Overseas Citizen.
Non-military and overseas absentee voters can register to vote using any of the standard voter registration methods. Contact your county clerk office to request an absentee ballot.
Military and Overseas Voters
Military personnel, their dependents, and other overseas citizens can register to vote by completing a Federal Post Card Application (FPCA).
You can complete your FPCA using guides available to you:
- Online through the state.
- Online through the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP).
- FVAP also provides instruction on how to complete your Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application (Form 76) by hand.
Send your completed FPCA to your local county clerk by mail, fax, or e-mail.
Deadline to Register to Vote in KY
You must mail or return your voter registration application at least 29 days before the election.
Voter Name or Address Change
Update your name or address by completing a new Mail-In Voter Registration Card (Form SBE 01) and checking “Name Change," “Address Change," or both.
KY Voter Acknowledgment Cards
Once you're registered to vote, you'll receive a card that acknowledges your registration and provides your precinct location.
If you do not receive a voter registration acknowledgement card, contact your local county clerk's office.