Salesperson License in Kentucky
Before You Begin
Before you begin the motor vehicle salesperson application process, take note of the following:
- You must have a motor vehicle salesperson license in order to legally sell vehicles in Kentucky.
- Dealers are at risk for penalty anytime one of their salespersons can't produce a license for a representative of the Kentucky Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC).
- If you've ever been convicted of a criminal offense, you must include the details along with the salesperson application.
The Salesperson License Application Process
Simply put, you begin the application process when a dealer hires you, or is considering hiring you. You will obtain your salesperson application directly from the dealer. The dealer uses the Request for Additional Salesperson License Applications (Form TC-98) to order applications from the Kentucky MVC.
You must complete the application in triplicate. Your dealer will mail the application copies, along with the $20 license fee, to:
Motor Vehicle Commission
105 Sea Hero Drive, Suite 1
Frankfort, KY 40601
Salesperson License Fee
The salesperson license fee is $20.
Application Deadline
There is no application deadline. Since your dealer submits your application, he or she can do so at a couple different times:
- When it's time for your dealer to renew his or her dealer license.
- At any other time during the year when the dealer takes on new salespersons.
Waiting Period and Temporary Permit
There is no temporary permit for motor vehicle salespersons in Kentucky; you must wait until your license arrives. At the same time, there is no real estimated waiting period, as many factors go into processing your application.
Renewing Your Kentucky Salesperson License
You'll renew your KY salesperson license once a year, before the end of the year. When the time draws near, you'll receive renewal instructions and information about fees. Your dealer can provide you with more specific information.
Obtaining a Duplicate Kentucky Salesperson License
The Kentucky MVC doesn't offer a traditional duplicate salesperson license. If you lose your license, or it becomes damaged or destroyed, your dealer is responsible for getting you through the entire application process again―and yes, this includes the same $20 fee.
Where You Can Find More Information
You can find more information about obtaining a motor vehicle salesperson license and properly selling vehicles here at DMV.ORG and when you visit the Kentucky MVC. Below are a few specific Web pages to help you get started: