Vehicle Code in Kansas
Access the Kansas Motor Vehicle Code
The Kansas motor vehicle code is the body of state statutes that oversees and maintains order for everything related to driving in Kansas.
By reading the code you can learn just about anything vehicle, road, or driving-related in Kansas. For example, you can get the exact wording of the law regarding a traffic ticket you might get. If you're just curious about the various vehicular laws of Kansas, the Kansas legislature website has everything you need.
You may be able to gain a better understanding of the laws and processes affecting your driving privileges, registration/titling procedures, and licensing requirements.
How to Use the Code
Sometimes, a certain law can be found in several places in the vehicle code, which makes it rather confusing for anyone without a law degree.
If you know the code you're looking for, you can search for it by its number. You can also search by keywords for items that are less specific. For example, if you own an automobile repair shop and need to know the law about disposal of used motor oil, you can search the index for "used oil" or other related words.
Chapters in the KS Vehicle Code
Every state law in Kansas is covered, including vehicle laws. Topics range from antifreeze compounds, DUIs, and fair trade, to abandoned vehicles, motor oil disposal, and seat belts. Some of the codes most often referenced are listed below.
Chapter 8, Article 2: Driver's Licenses
- Classes of driver's licenses.
- Licenses required.
- Applications for licenses other than renewals.
- Persons exempt from license.
Article 10: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
- Test results admissible in prosecutions.
- Alcohol and drug safety action programs.
- Determination by prosecuting attorney of whether diversion agreement to be allowed.
- Preliminary screening test of breath for alcohol concentration.
- Suspension and restriction of driving privileges for test refusal.
- Victim impact statement and restitution requirements.
Article 15: Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Rules of the Road
- Required obedience to lawful order of police officer or fireman.
- Application of traffic laws to highway construction or maintenance operations
- Official traffic-control devices.
- Traffic-control signal legend.
Article 21: Uniform Act Regulating Traffic; Parties, Arrests, Citations, Procedures and Penalties
- Offenses by persons owning or controlling vehicles.
- Traffic citations and procedures.
- Appearance bond.
- Authority of officer at scene of accident.
- Failure to comply with a traffic citation.
- Citation for an illegally parked, standing, or stopped vehicle.
- Classification of violations
Article 25: Seat Belts
- Exceptions.
- Fines.
- Manufacturer warranty on safety belts.
Check Your Iowa License Status
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid. Should your license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record at the KS Division of Vehicles. This report will also show points against your license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
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