Voter Registration in Indiana
Voter Registration in Indiana
If you want a say in how your local, state, and federal government is managed, you need to register to vote in Indiana. Read below to find out how.
Voter Eligibility in Indiana
You're eligible to vote in Indiana if:
- You're a U.S. citizen.
- You're a resident of Indiana.
- You're at least 18 years old (or will be on or before the date of the election).
- You've resided in the precinct for at least 30 days prior to the election date.
- You're not incarcerated due to a felony conviction.*
*Your voting rights are restored upon your release. You will need to re-register to vote.
Register to Vote in Indiana
You can register to vote online, in person, or by mail.
To register online, visit the state's Online Voter Registration page. Be prepared to:
- Verify your voter eligibility.
- Provide information such as your IN driver's license or state identification card number.
- Verify all information you've entered and confirm the application.
In Person or By Mail
To register in person or by mail:
- Complete the Indiana Voter Registration Application (Form VRG-7) or County Voter Registration Application (Form VRG-11)
- Deliver or mail it to your county voter registration office or the Indiana Election Division.
- Contact information and addresses are listed on the application.
Alternatively, you can apply through the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Simply visit your local BMV license branch to register.
Once received, your county's voter registration office will review your registration application and determine whether you're eligible. If you are, you'll receive your voter registration acknowledgement card by mail.
If you don't receive your card within 30 days, contact the county voter registration office.
Want to check your voter registration or polling location? You can do so online or by phone at (866) IN-1-VOTE.
Find all the information you need to finish your moving requirements with the DMV.
ID Requirements for Voting in IN
Once you receive your voter registration acknowledgement card and head to the polls, you must present photo identification to vote.
In addition to your photo, your form of ID must:
- Show your name as it is listed in the voter registry.
- For example, it won't work if you registered to vote as “Joe Smith" and your ID reads “Joseph R. Smith."
- Be current (not expired) OR expired AFTER the date of the last General Election.
- Be issued by the federal or Indiana state government.
Valid IN driver's licenses and identification cards, as well as U.S. passports, are good examples of accepted IDs.
Military & Out-of-State Voter Registration
Indiana makes it easy for military, overseas, and out-of-state residents (such as college students) to register to vote.
Military & Overseas Voters
If you are a military member or dependent stationed out of the state, or you're an IN resident currently overseas, you can use the Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application (Form 76). This form serves as a temporary registration as well as a request for an absentee ballot.
You can complete the FPCA:
- Online at the Federal Voting Assistance Program's website.
- By downloading and completing the Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application (Form 76) and mailing to your local voter registration office.
NOTE: Indiana provides a detailed Military and Overseas Voters' Guide to help with completing registration and absentee application forms.
Late Registration for Military Members and Overseas Voters
Generally, residents must register no later than 29 days before the election. This means mail-in registrations must be postmarked 29 days before the election (see below).
However, military members, their dependents and overseas voters have an extended timeframe to register and to vote. Please see the section for Military and Overseas Voters on the Election Division website.
Out-of-State IN Residents
If you're currently out-of-state (for example, to attend college), you can register to vote in Indiana by mail. See Register to Vote in Indiana above to learn how. Visit the Election Division website for information on requesting an absentee ballot.
IN Voter Registration Deadlines
Unless you're a member of the military or a military member dependent, you must register to vote no later than 29 days before the Primary or General Election.
If you're registering by mail, your application must be postmarked 29 days before the election date.
This applies to registered voters applying to change their names, addresses, or precincts, too (see below).
Change Your Name, Address, or Precinct
You can change your name, address, or voting precinct by completing the Registration by Mail Application (Form VRG-7) or County Voter Registration Application (Form VRG-11) again with your new information, and delivering it to your county voter registration office (this means the office in your new county, if you've moved), or mailing it to the office's address as it is listed on the form.
Replacing an IN Voter Registration Card
Report your lost Indiana voter registration card to your county voter registration office.
An agent will instruct you on whether to expect a new card by mail, or to apply for voter registration again.