Moving Out of State in Idaho
Keep Your Idaho Driver's License
Take your Idaho driver's license with you when you move to another state. Depending on that state's policies, you may have to hand it over to the appropriate agency once you get your new driver's license.
If you don't have to relinquish it, you may want to destroy it to help prevent identity theft or other illegal use.
Keep Your Idaho License Plate
You know those people who collect license plates and show off all the cool places they've lived? Well, now you can be one of them! The Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) doesn't require you to turn yours in when you move to another state.
Be careful with how you display or store it, though. You don't want someone driving around the country with your old license plate attached to his vehicle.
If you don't want to keep your Idaho license plate, contact your County Assessor motor vehicle office to dispose of it.
No Registration Refund
The ITD doesn't provide registration refunds, regardless of how much of the registration you've actually used.
Find all the information you need to finish your moving requirements with the DMV.
Contact Your New State's Agencies
Each state has its own policies regarding driver licenses, vehicle registration, and time requirements. We provide such information specific to:
Each link will help you find the appropriate information for your new home.