Voter Registration in Hawaii
Voting is the best way to make sure you get a say in how your local, state, and federal governments operate.
Just register to vote and head to the polls next Election Day.
Voter Eligibility in Hawaii
You're eligible to vote in Hawaii if:
- You're a Hawaii resident.
- You're a U.S. citizen.
- You're at least 18 years old (or will be at the time of election).
- You can pre-register at 16 years old, but you can't actually vote until you turn 18 years old.
Felons and Voting
As long as they aren't currently incarcerated, felons can vote if:
- Their sentences have been suspended, regardless of whether they're placed on probation.
- They've been paroled after completing their imprisonment.
Learn more about felons and voting with the state's Impact of a Felony Conviction and One's Electoral Rights Factsheet.
Register to Vote in Hawaii
You can register to vote:
- Online.
- In person.
- By mail.
NOTE: You can also use the above methods to make necessary changes to your voter registration.
Eligible Hawaii voters can register online.
In order to register to vote online, you will need:
- Your valid HI driver's license or ID card.
- Your social security number.
Find all the information you need to finish your moving requirements with the DMV.
In Person & by Mail
Simply complete the Voter Registration and Permanent Absentee Form and either mail or hand-deliver it to the county elections offices listed on the application.
Alternatively, you can register in person at any city or county clerks office or at the Office of Elections location.
NOTE: Although many people find it easier to download the form or apply at the clerks office, you also can pick up a Voter Registration and Permanent Absentee Form at the following locations:
- Public libraries.
- City halls.
- Phone directories.
- U.S. post offices.
- University of Hawaii systems.
- Most state service agencies.
Required Identification
Anyone who is registering to vote for the first time OR is mailing in their application* must show proof of identification.
You can meet this requirement by showing proof of photo identification, such as your Hawaii driver's license or ID card, OR by showing any of the following documents that show both your name and address:
- Current utility bill.
- Current bank statement.
- Current government or other paycheck.
- Any other government document that shows your name and address.
If you do not provide these proofs when you register to vote, you must show them at the polling place.
* NOTE: When registering by mail, you can submit a photocopy of your proof of ID.
Military & Overseas Voter Registration
Overseas residents and military personnel (including their dependents) can use the Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request Federal Post Card Application (SF 76) from the Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP).
This form acts as both a voter registration and an absentee ballot.
For more information about voting as military personnel, a military dependent, or an overseas resident, including information about absentee voting, visit the FVAP Hawaii page.
Absentee Voting
Above, we've explained Hawaii's voter registration process for active-duty military members (including spouses and dependents), and overseas residents.
However, if you need to vote absentee for another reason (for example, you'll be out of town on Election Day), you can register to vote using the processes explained above, and completing a WikiWiki Absentee Application. Submit this application to the appropriate clerk's office listed on the application by the deadline.
Alternatively, you can vote early at an early walk-in location. Refer to the state's section on early voting for information on early walk-in voting locations and dates.
Permanent Absentee
Using the WikiWiki Absentee Application, you can register to vote absentee permanently. Just complete Section 7, indicate the address you'd like your ballot sent, and sign and date the form.
You'll receive your absentee ballot by mail until one of the following situations occurs:
- You skip a primary or general election by failing to vote by 7 p.m. on Election Day.
- You move and register in another jurisdiction.
- You have a name or address change but don't update your voter registration.
Deadline to Register to Vote in Hawaii
The Office of Elections website provides the exact date by which you must register in order to vote in the upcoming primary and general elections.
Hawaii Voter Registration Cards
Once you've successfully registered to vote in HI, you should receive a confirmation postcard.
This card will tell you where your polling place is.
If you lost your voter registration card, contact your state or local elections official for information on replacing a lost voter registration card.