Vehicle Code in Delaware
Access the Delaware Motor Vehicle Code
Knowing Delaware's vehicle code can give you a better understanding of all the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) rules. Motor vehicle laws, procedures, and regulations are all included in Title 21 of the Delaware Motor Vehicle Code.
Unique situations come up and you may want to go right to the source looking for answers. For example, there is an entire chapter of Title 21 dedicated to habitual offenders.
As a consumer you could have questions about buying a vehicle. The code includes chapters on the sale of motor vehicles as well as on odometers.
The Motor Vehicle Code is the best place to look for esoteric rules like funeral procession laws, found in Chapter 71. You might also wonder about fire lanes; check out Chapter 70 for more information on the use of these.
The basic Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) transactions, driver's licensing and vehicle registration, are also well covered in the vehicle code. The types of license plates and even farm equipment registrations are explained in detail in the chapters of the code.
If you are planning a visit to the Delaware DMV to clear up a unique problem or situation (or you want to study up on the road rules because you got a traffic ticket), prepare yourself by reading through the relevant sections of the vehicle code. If you find interpreting the vehicle code difficult to do, then you can always see an attorney.
Don't forget to use your local Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) office as a resource; the DMV offices are ready to help you with all of your DMV transactions.
Reading the exact language of the Delaware Motor Vehicle Code can be a great way to find out if you have ground to fight a recent traffic ticket, understand exactly what your ticket means, and prevent yourself from committing the same traffic violation in the future.
Check Your DE Driver's License Status
Whenever you need or want to check the status of your Delaware driver's license, you can order a driving record report. This record will spell out if your driver's license is currently valid. Should your license have been revoked or suspended, the report will indicate that according to what's on record with the Delaware DMV. This report will also show points currently held against your DE driver's license and, in some cases, information on any accidents you have had.
Traffic violations, whether they are minor or major, can trigger the Delaware Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) to penalize your driving privileges. If you commit too many minor traffic offenses or certain major offenses, you may receive a driver's license suspension, be charged fines, face defensive driving/driver improvement course requirements, and be placed under driving restrictions.
Additionally, traffic violations can raise your car insurance rates. If you've received a traffic violation, you should contact your insurance provider and ask if you are able to complete a defensive driving program to earn a safe driving discount and lower your premiums.
For more information on some topics related to the Delaware motor vehicle code and traffic violations, please visit our pages on Suspended Licenses in Delaware and Defensive Driving in Delaware.