Accident Guide in Delaware
Accidents happen all the time. When you're involved in a vehicle accident in Delaware, you are required to contact local law enforcement if:
- The accident results in injury or death to anyone
- The accident occurs on a public highway and causes damages greater than $500
- The drivers involved in the accident appear to be intoxicated from alcohol or drugs, or impaired for some other reason
Check the Delaware Driver's Manual for a helpful form to be used in case of an accident.
Helpful Tips
If you're involved in an accident, you need to stop your car and stay at the scene. If your car and/or property is the only thing that was damaged, you won't need to stay at the scene, but you still need to report the incident.
If you're not the only one involved in the accident, be sure to exchange information with the other drivers, if possible. Swap names, addresses, phone numbers, driver's license and tag numbers, and insurance information. Be sure to also get full descriptions of all vehicles, and names and addresses of any witnesses if there were any.