Dealer Forms in Connecticut
The Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is a big believer in forms, especially when it comes to dealer or group licensing. At least the DMV puts virtually all of its forms online in PDF format. Below are links to PDF forms for dealer and group licensing. You will need a copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader to read them.
- Auto Club License (Form K-2).
- Business License Personnel List (Form K-26).
- Certificate of Business Status and Agent for Service (Form K-198).
- Request for Marker Plates (Form K-6).
- Application for Automobile Dealer's or Repairer's License (Form K-7).
- License Inspection Application (Form K-8).
- Motor Vehicle Manufacturers' Biennial License Application (Form K-9).
- Complaint Against CT Licensed Dealer or Repairer (Form K-35).
- Vehicle Storage Rates Requirements Application (Form K-89).
- Application for Connecticut Motor Vehicle Junkyard License (Form K-91).
- Surety Bond - Motor Vehicle (Form K-158).
- Authorization to Sign for Registration of a Motor Vehicle (Form K-179).
- Salvage Vehicle Repair Report (Form K-186).
- Manufacturer Termination of Franchise Notification (Form K-196).
- Replacement Parts Statement (Form K-197).