Traffic Ticket Attorneys in California
In California, when you get a traffic ticket it's easy to just pay it without considering why you should hire a traffic ticket attorney and fight it. Once you realize the consequences of accepting a violation conviction, you may want to follow our tips for hiring a traffic ticket lawyer. After all, traffic ticket convictions in California can lead to a driver's license suspension and big increases in your car insurance rates, whether your ticket was for a common violation or a very serious one.
NOTE: The content of this website is intended solely for informational purposes. It is not a source of legal advice and should not be used as such.
After getting a traffic ticket, many drivers will simply pay off their ticket and not give it a second thought. When you consider the fines associated with traffic violations and the fact that paying the ticket is accepting a court conviction, you may want to think about fighting your ticket.
Dealing with court procedures and legal matters can be confusing. Fortunately, knowledgeable and experienced traffic ticket attorneys are available to help you in your fight.
Why Hire a Traffic Ticket Attorney?
Traffic ticket attorneys have the legal knowledge, credentials, and background to help:
- Represent you in court.
- Get your case dismissed.
- Keep points off your driving record.
- Reduce your fines.
- Reduce the charges against you.
- Avoid driver's license suspension or revocation.
- Lower or eliminate any possible negative effects of your ticket on your car insurance rates.
DUIs and Other Serious Violations
If you have been charged with a DUI or other serious traffic violation, such as excessive speeding or reckless driving, it can be hugely beneficial to obtain legal representation.
For more information about DUI attorneys, please visit the DUI Attorney section of our website.
Tips for Hiring a Traffic Ticket Lawyer
If you have decided to fight your ticket with the help of a traffic ticket attorney, you'll want to make sure you get the best representation possible.
Follow these tips to find the right attorney for you:
- Shop around – As with any service you purchase, comparison-shopping will help ensure you get the best price and the right person for the job.
- Stay local – When possible, try working with a traffic ticket attorney who works extensively in the court assigned to your case. This attorney's knowledge of that court and its judges can be used to your advantage.
- Don't ignore comfort level – You will have to trust your attorney with some personal information. Having a high comfort level with your attorney will make the process go by much more smoothly.
Traffic Ticket Convictions in California
To better understand the benefits of hiring a traffic ticket attorney, it is important to know just what it means to be convicted of a traffic violation. Remember, by simply paying your traffic ticket, you are pleading guilty to a violation.
In California, traffic ticket convictions can lead to:
- Points on your driver record.
- Suspended license.
- Increase in car insurance rates.
California uses a point system as a way of rating drivers. Points on your driving record represent:
- Traffic violations for which you have been convicted.
- Traffic accidents for which you are found to be legally at-fault.
The amount of points given for a conviction varies according to the violation:
- Most minor traffic violation convictions will typically add 1 point to your record.
- Major violations, such as DUI and reckless driving, will generally come with a penalty of 2 points.
Points on your driving record are significant. An excess of points will lead to the suspension of your driver's license.
For more information, read our DMV Point System in California page.
Suspended License
Judges in California courts can order the suspension of your driver's license for certain violations.
Some common examples of these types of violations include:
- DUI.
- Reckless driving.
- Excessive speeding.
- Hit-and-run.
Don't face a judge alone for these types of violations. A traffic attorney can help save you from losing your driver's license.
Car Insurance Rates
One of the biggest impacts a traffic ticket conviction can have is on your car insurance rates. Even minor traffic violations can greatly increase your car insurance premium.
In 2015, a California driver with no traffic violations can expect to pay around the average annual rate of $2,200 for a car insurance policy that include liability, comprehensive, and collision coverages.
In contrast, a driver with just 1 traffic violation conviction can expect to pay around the average annual rate of $2,800 for the same coverages.
That is an approximate 27% increase in car insurance for just 1 traffic violation. With this in mind, it is clear that a traffic ticket costs much more than the fine associated with that ticket.
The costs of hiring a traffic ticket attorney can be far less than the costs of being convicted for a traffic violation.
NOTE: The above averages are our own calculations, based on numbers reported by California car insurance companies to the California Department of Insurance. Actual rates will vary among different car insurance companies and according to several other car insurance rating factors.
Common Traffic Violations in California
The following is a list of common traffic tickets written in California:
- Speeding.
- Failure to stop at a red light.
- Improper lane changes.
- Reckless driving.
- Following too closely.
- Failure to stop at a railroad crossing.
- DUI.
California traffic ticket attorneys are highly experienced with defending these types of cases. Find the right attorney for you to help avoid the harsh consequences of being convicted for any traffic violation.