See which companies have recalled car seats and booster seats in 2018, and what fixes are in the pipeline for the defective products.
Will Volkswagon end up paying its German customers for the repairs it needs to follow new emission regulations?
Canada became the second country in the world to legalize marijuana, and police are already busy.
In a move that contradicts the tone set by outside reporting, Elon Musk and Tesla released an internal safety report this quarter, the first of its kind from the auto manufacturer.
For the first time in 2 years, there has been a decrease in roadway fatalities. Read on to find out why the NHTSA believes this dip is occurring.
Before planning that next road trip, make sure you don’t choose a highway predestined for disaster.
Five of the 10 cities on this safest driving list are from a single state: can you guess which one?
You may want to slow down if you live in one of these states notorious for being hard on speeders.
Jaywalkers are seen as a menace to drivers—but did you know that once, it was the drivers who were seen as the nuisance?