Ticket Fines and Penalties in Arkansas

Arkansas Traffic Ticket Fines and Costs

AR traffic ticket fines vary by violation and by court.

Your citation should include the traffic ticket fine; if it doesn't, you can contact your court for an amount.

Can't find your citation? Head over to Lost AR Traffic Ticket.

Court Costs and Other Surcharges

Like traffic ticket fines, court costs vary by court.

You can find out the total cost of your ticket when you opt to plead guilty and pay, or you can contact your court for an amount.

DUI and DWI Surcharges

Unlike most states, Arkansas doesn't have a statewide surcharge schedule for DUI and DWI charges. Each court sets its own fines.

Note that additional costs and penalties can include:

  • License suspension or revocation.
  • Incarceration.
  • Community service.
  • A drug and alcohol education course or treatment program.
  • A $150 license reinstatement fee.

The Department of Finance and Administration provides information on DUI and DWI fines and penalties. You can use this to get a general idea of what you're facing.

Learn more at AR DUI & DWI.

Pay Ticket
(Plead Guilty or No Contest)

Learn more about
Paying Traffic Ticket »

Fight Ticket
(Plead Not Guilty)

  • Appear on or call before your “Plea and Arraignment" date.
  • Prepare for your hearing, possibly with legal assistance.
  • Gain no penalties if found not guilty (except applicable court/attorney fees).
  • Appeal the guilty verdict (if applicable).

Learn more about
Fighting Traffic Ticket »

Auto Insurance Rate Increase

You'll probably face an auto insurance rate increase if you plead guilty or no contest, or are found guilty; if so, start comparing car insurance rates online to find more affordable coverage.

Arkansas Traffic Ticket Penalties

Generally, penalties consist of license suspension and revocation, though sometimes the state will cancel a driver's license.

AR Driver's License Suspension, Revocation, and Cancellation

License Suspension: Usually, license suspension is a temporary loss of driving privileges. Sometimes the time is pre-determined; other times, it lasts until the driver meets certain reinstatement requirements.

License Revocation: License revocations are similar to license suspension, but typically they last longer and entail more involved reinstatement requirements.

License Cancellation: Generally, license cancellations happen when drivers provide incorrect information on their applications, or the state determines they shouldn't have received licenses in the first place. Eligibility for future licenses is up to the state.

Most often, the state suspends licenses for point accumulation (see below), though certain driving offenses―such as DUI- and DWI-related offenses―can lead to license suspension or revocation, too.

Refer to “Keeping the Driver License" section of the state's Driver License Study Guide for detailed information about how you can lose your license to both moving and non-moving violations.

Points Penalties

Per the AR Point System, the ODS suspends your driver's license once you hit 14 points.

The points and associated suspension periods are as follows:

  • 10 to 13 points: Warning letter.
  • 14 to 17 points: 5 business days.
  • 18 to 23 points: 10 business days.
  • 24 points or more: 20 business days.

NOTE: The state automatically schedules a hearing to plead your case before your license is suspended. Learn more at Suspended AR License.

Penalties for Drivers Younger than 21 Years Old

Similar to DUI fines and penalties for drivers 21 years old and older, DWI fines and penalties for drivers younger than 21 years old can vary by court.

However, if you're convicted of DWI, you can expect:

  • A hefty fine.
  • Community service.
  • An alcohol and drug education program or treatment.
  • License suspension or revocation.

The exact fines and penalties depend on the offense number.

Penalties for Drivers Younger than 18 Years Old

Getting a traffic violation when you're younger than 18 years old and working your way through the Graduated Driver License (GDL) program will prevent you from moving on to the next license in time.

Most GDL licenses―which include the instruction permit, learner's license, and intermediate license―require a violation-free period of time before the driver can move on to the next license.

For example, if you currently have a learner's license, you can't move on to the intermediate license if you received a violation at any point during the 6 months leading up to intermediate license eligibility.

Refer to “The Driver License" section of the state's Driver License Study Guide for more information.

Penalties for Arkansas Commercial Drivers

Notify your employer within 30 days of a violation conviction.

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) mandates the following penalties for CDL drivers.

Major Offenses

Expect a license suspension of 1 year for any of the following major offenses:

  • Driving a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) with a BAC of 0.04%.
  • Refusing a sobriety test.
  • Leaving an accident scene.
  • Committing a felony with the vehicle.
  • Driving a CMV with a suspended, revoked, or canceled CDL.
  • Negligent driving resulting in fatality.

Serious Offenses

Each of the following is considered a serious offense:

  • Speeding 15 MPH or more over the limit.
  • Driving recklessly.
  • Changing lanes improperly.
  • Following too closely behind another vehicle.
  • Driving a CMV without having a CDL.
  • Driving a CMV without having your CDL in your possession.
  • Driving a CMV without the proper CDL endorsement.
  • Violating a state law of texting while driving.

You'll lose your license for:

  • 60 days for 2 serious offenses within 3 years.
  • 120 days for 3 serious offenses within 3 years.

CDL Disqualifications

Expect to lose your license for 180 days to 2 years if you violate a driver or vehicle out-of-service order while transporting:

  • Nonhazardous materials.
  • Hazardous materials required to be placarded, or while driving a vehicle designed to transport 16 passengers or more.

Refer to the FMCSA’s Rules and Regulations and the state's Commercial Driver License Manual for more information.

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