Moving Out of State in Alabama
Licensing, Title, and Registration
When moving out of state, one of the first things on your to-do list is applying for a new driver's license in your new residence. Some states require the license to be changed before they issue titles and registration. Usually, all of this needs to be done within the first couple weeks of your move.
Study the driver's manual of your new state; some of the laws may vary from Alabama, so this simple step could prevent you from getting a ticket on your first outing. Your new state may also require you to take a driver's test on their laws, before they'll give you a new license.
Next, register and title your vehicle; remember not to pack all your Alabama paperwork away in an unmarked box deep inside the moving truck. You'll need to bring it with you.
Find all the information you need to finish your moving requirements with the DMV.
Insurance Requirements
Be sure to find out the {Car Insurance}insurance requirements} for your new state; minimum insurance laws vary. You may have to provide proof of insurance when applying for a new license, tag, or title.
Alabama does not require you to return the license plates from your vehicles. But check out the license plate section of your new state―you'll have some new choices for vehicle tags.
Alabama doesn't require emissions testing or yearly inspections.