Applying for Special Plates in Alaska
Applying for special issue plates in Alaska is typically accomplished by visiting the DMV or by mailing in all necessary documents and fees. Certain personalized specialty plates are available for online ordering.
Alaska's Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) offers several special issue license plates for your vehicle. Obtaining a specialty plate typically requires slightly different steps from those needed to obtain a standard license plate.
Read below to learn how you can apply, renew, and replace a specialty license plate in Alaska.
Applying for Alaska Special Issue Plates
The necessary steps you must take to apply for a custom license plate with the DMV will vary depending on the type of special plate you are ordering.
You can apply for a special issue plate with a randomly assigned number* by:
- Completing a Application for Title and Registration (Form V1).
- Mark the “Special Plate" option.
- Check the box for the type of specialty plate you are requesting.
- Providing the required documents and/or forms of identification.
- This will vary according to the plate type.
- To find your specific requirements, visit the AK DMV website and choose your plate type.
- Additional forms may be required. For example, you may need to complete the Application for Personalized or Call Sign Plates (Form 803).
- Paying the applicable fee.
- Submitting all of the above:
- In person to your local DMV office.
- By mail to: State of Alaska
Division of Motor Vehicles
3901 Old Seward Highway, Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99503
* To obtain a personalized plate with a custom combination, you'll need to take slightly different steps; see Obtaining Personalized Specialty Plates below.
Apply for Alaska Veteran's Plates
To order a Veteran's Plate, you must:
- Complete a Application for Title and Registration (Form V1) or Application for Title & Registration (Form V1).
- Complete and submit an Application for Personalized Plates (Form 803).
- Submit proof of military service which can include, but may not be limited to, one of the following:
- Discharge papers (DD Form 214).
- Letter of verification from Veteran's Administration.
- Military Identification card.
- Submit the above:
- In person to your local DMV office.
- By mail to: State of Alaska
Division of Motor Vehicles
3901 Old Seward Highway, Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99503
Obtaining Personalized Specialty Plates
Personalized plates must have a maximum of 6 characters.
Personalized custom license plates can be ordered:
- By mail.
- In person.
- Online.
NOTE: If you have a permanent tab on your plate, you need to surrender it to the DMV in order to get a tab for your new vanity plate.
In Person or By Mail
Follow the steps laid out above for special issue plates AND:
- Make sure to complete the Application for Personalized or Call Sign License Plates (Form 803).
- Gather any other necessary documentation for your personalized plate.
- This may include a copy of your registration for the vehicle.
- Provide payment for the applicable fees.
- Submit your completed paperwork and fees in person at any DMV office or by mail to:
Division of Motor Vehicles
3901 Old Seward Highway,, Suite 101
Anchorage, AK 99503
You can order personalized plates online IF:
- Your address is current on your vehicle registration.
- If it is not current, you can update your address with the DMV.
- You are NOT eligible for a senior or disabled exemption.
- In this case, you must apply in person at a DMV office.
- You plate type does NOT have any documentation requirements.
To order online:
- Go to the DMV website.
- Enter your desired plate characters and check their availability.
- Enter the required information.
- Pay the fee with a Visa or MasterCard.
Several types of custom license plates are made to order, which can extend wait times for your plates.
NOTE: You cannot change, cancel, or request a refund for personalized plates.
Special AK License Plates Fees
Fees vary between the different specialty plates offered in Alaska.
In general, you can expect to pay the following fees:
- Application: Fees can vary greatly depending on the plate you chose.
- Replacement: $5.
- Additional fees may apply.
- Transfer: $5.
A handful of special issue license plates require you to pay:
- An additional specialty plate use fee.
- A donation.
Check your requested plate type to find your specific fees.
Replacing a Special Issue License Plate
If your custom plates are lost, you may have them replaced by:
- Completing and submitting a Application for Title and Registration (Form V1).
- Mark the “Lost Plate and/or Tab" option, and circle “Lost Plate".
- Pay the $5 fee.
- NOTE: Some plates require an additional replacement fee. Check your plate type to see if additional fees apply.
- Submit your application and applicable fees to:
- To the address on the form.
OR - To your local DMV office.
- To the address on the form.
Transferring Special Issue Plates in AK
If you wish to transfer your specialty license plate to another car, you must:
- Complete and submit the Application for Title and Registration (Form V1).
- Mark next to “Plate Transfer".
- Supply a copy of the current registration for the vehicle from which the plate is being transferred.
- The name on the old registration must match the name on the registration you are transferring your specialty plate to.
- Pay the $5 fee.
Selling a Vehicle with Special Plates
If you intend to sell a car with custom license plates, you need to remove the plates when you sell it.
The DMV will issue new plates to the buyer for free. The buyer can pick up the new plates after the vehicle has been transferred to his name.
Renewing Special Issue Plates
You can renew your tags when you renew your vehicle registration.
While some custom plates come with one time only fees, others may require you to pay renewal fees.
Typically, renewal fees equal the original issuing fee. Check your plate type to find your renewal fee.